There's a lot to this that goes beyond the way it appears at first glance on the surface.
You would have to know what it's like to watch your mom spending an hour filling a wash tub with hot water, hand scrubbing all the clothes, emptying the tub, then taking the wet clothes in a basket outside to hang them individually on a clothes line. After that, begin to work on preparing dinner. Hours spent making everything by hand, and baking/cooking it. In the meantime, going out periodically and checking to see if the clothes, towels, sheets hanging on the line are dry, and if they are, taking them down one by one and putting them in a basket. Carrying that into the house, and setting up the ironing board to begin ironing the clothes. Meanwhile, checking periodically in the kitchen to see how the food is coming along. After all the clothes are ironed, folding them and putting them away. Putting the ironing board away. Back into the kitchen to finish up cooking and preparing the meal. Serving it when dad comes home. Then the time spent cleaning and doing all the dishes.
Now compare that to throwing a load of clothes in the washing machine and pushing a button. After they're done, moving them over into the dryer and pushing a button. When they're dry, just hang them up because they're wash and wear, no ironing needed. At the most, 10 minutes of your time instead of hours. Food? Put a frozen dinner in the microwave, 5 minutes later dinner is served. If you have dishes to clean, load them into the dishwasher and push a button.
Basically an entire day's worth of tasks can now be done in less than 30 minutes. That's unprecedented in human history. That frees up the hours of your day for other things, as well as reducing stress. Needless to say, this was overwhelming attractive and everybody wanted it.
Fast consumerism was really about convenience and making everyday living easier. There were good reasons why the whole world wanted to move to America, and the poor of the world still do. We didn't anticipate the population explosion that followed all those improvements though, and now we have that problem to deal with.