If you are still doing them, could you put me on your list for the printed handbooks please? Both service manual and user handbook for the V6 Manual 1st Edition and delivery to the UK.
I am interested in purchase of printed owners and service manuals for the Emira V6. Would you please provide me with the details is these are still available?
Hi Marty,
Is is right that you are able to get hold of printed copies Owners Handbook(Manual) & Service Manuals?
I'd like to order both a Owners Handbook & Service Manual for the V6 1st Edition (Manual).
Postage would be to Derbyshire, England, UK. It would obviously be in English language.
Can you let me know the specifics please?
Look forward to hearing back from you.
Many thanks.
Hi Martyn -
Hope all's well.
When convenient (not an emergency, by any means), could I get on your list for the Workshop and user manuals?
Given that you may be 'sold out', could you put me on your waiting list, if there's a second run?
I've only just received my vehicle and am fine to wait.
Please let me know when you have time,
Cheers and all the best -
Glenn Fong,
Arlington, VA, 22207, USA
I took time to look at the thread. Looks like Workshop Manual with shipping to US is $95. Let me know if I am correct. Email: reathk@gmail.com, Cell: 828-284-8047. Forward payment method please.
Martyn, If you do not mind, send payment details on the Workshop Manual by itself, and separate payment details for both manuals (not sure if major differences exist between UK and US Handbooks).. Thanks - Kelly.
Checking to see if any of the remaining Workshop and User manuals are for the U.S. If so, I will be happy to send payment for both manuals. Just provide details when convenient. Thanks.
Hey Martyn. Hope all is well. Do you have any printed copies for the hand book left. I'd like to buy a copy of the handbook and the service manual when ready if possible. Thanks