Thanks for pointing out that I had mixed up RHD and LHD, JohnS.
Just like in the UK, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, we also drive on the left side here in Japan (although this was never a British Colony - ha ha ha). In other words we have RHD cars and drive on the left side. Interestingly it is legal to register and drive a LHD car here too (but you must ALWAYS drive on the left side, unless it is a dedicated one-way street.)
For many years (less so in recent years), it was popular to purchase luxurious imported cars here in Japan with the steering wheel on the left side (LHD) for everyone to see that you have an imported car. To me it is most amusing when I see someone with a UK made Bentley, Rolls Royce, or even Mini, with LHD since I know well that these were originally designed and sold in their UK home market with RHD configuration.
It seems that 65% of countries drive on the right side while 35% drive on the left.
Interestingly, in Sweden

, the mother land of Volvo and Saab (and today Koenigsegg

), used to drive on the left side until 1968 when they one day decided to switch to drive on the right

Since Sweden is landlocked to next door Norway (my birth country where everyone at all times since the stone-age have driven on the right side), cars going across the Swedish-Norwegian boarder needed to cross from left to right (or right to left) at a designated area at the boarder
It would be interesting to see a statistical report of accidents resulting from this manouver

However, from what I was told as a young man/boy (I was born in 1955 when the Mercedes Gullwing was created and James Dean died in his Porsche 356 accident.)