So there are a few hundred people on the planet.
One group of a few hundred go to bed each night and wake up the next morning to go to work and learn how to help build a new car.
The other group wakes up and awaits information from the first group on the details of that car.
Some even know one another. Some of the first group may even read these posts from the second group.
I imagine a few of them taking pics of that countdown to production clock mentioned from the recent Hethel visits.
One night will come where the next morning they’ll begin building one of our cars. That’s my favorite part.
Some person of billions will be the last from Lotus to touch the steering wheel that will not include a TDC stitching for a manual FE V6 Emira.
Another person of billions will receive this same exact vehicle, maybe thousands of miles away, and the first thing they’ll do is go change that wheel.
Isn’t it amazing? Lotus workers reading this - thank you! Out of billions of people we will somehow be connected just because of some metal shaped a certain way and assembled a certain way. Quite cool!
One group of a few hundred go to bed each night and wake up the next morning to go to work and learn how to help build a new car.
The other group wakes up and awaits information from the first group on the details of that car.
Some even know one another. Some of the first group may even read these posts from the second group.
I imagine a few of them taking pics of that countdown to production clock mentioned from the recent Hethel visits.
One night will come where the next morning they’ll begin building one of our cars. That’s my favorite part.
Some person of billions will be the last from Lotus to touch the steering wheel that will not include a TDC stitching for a manual FE V6 Emira.
Another person of billions will receive this same exact vehicle, maybe thousands of miles away, and the first thing they’ll do is go change that wheel.
Isn’t it amazing? Lotus workers reading this - thank you! Out of billions of people we will somehow be connected just because of some metal shaped a certain way and assembled a certain way. Quite cool!