Short answer - dealer had to reset mine for calibration, then I drove it around for a few KMs so it could calibrate. For my issue though, this did not resolve anything the errors returned. I note that it always would say "Pressure Good" or whatever the sceen says, but the tyres on screen were red.
Long answer that eventually resolved by TMPS issues (for the brief description of issue, see my other post(s) in another thread regarding TMPS error / warning lights - perhaps try: - 14 August 2023)
3 of 4 sensors needed replacing as after the calibration attempt mentioned above, the same issues / warnings arose (despite my tyre pressures being checked and fine).
Turns out, there was water (?!) inside of my actual tyres which ruined the sensors. Dealer showed me some pics of the moisture. 3 sensors were replaced (warranty), then the dealer did the calibration reset thingy for me and ensured all good (at least I think they triggered the calibration - though it may have been new sensors it just calibrates ). Either way, I watched them on my Scorpian Tracker doing a loop on the freeway to get things calibrated. Few days/weeks later, the 4th TMPS sensor started causing the same issue to arise , though dealer had gotten some in and given we knew the previous issue, it was resolved quickly by changing out the final 4th sensor.
No issues since then. That was probably 2000-3000km ago.
No idea how the water got in? Though speaking to a cousin of mine who works in marine mechanics said something along the lines that (and correct me if I am totally misunderstanding or misstating this) there are different types of air compressors, and some of which need water wastage emptied. Thus it may be the case that at the factory when they filled the tyres, someone had not emptied the waste and was causing water to get in - or something to that effect. Admittedly this was a guess at best.
That conversation I had was had probably 5 months months ago and i'm no mechanic so I may have got that message wrong, but at the time, it seemed like reasonable and potential explanation as to why there was water inside of the tyre well and on the rim which in turn was washing over the sensors. I am unsure if the issues you're facing are similar to mine but perhaps this information will help you.
Good luck mate!