My trip to Hethel


Emira Fan
Dec 6, 2021
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Now the factory tour is officially available I can reveal I had the privilege of a factory tour with Scott Lotus Sales chief.

I had travelled back to UK from Australia for my mother's funeral. (Great life and great send off, no regrets).

I phoned Lotus who kindly agreed to arrange a tour for me, this was on the understanding that I didn't publicise it until they had officially re-instated factory tours. They had already appointed a corporate events/factory tour manager and where working out how to safely accommodated visitors touring the production line whilst ramping up production.

Scott was incredibly enthusiastic and his non stop commentary was both enlightening and entertaining.

To enter the factory floor I had to put on special clean shoes, cover up for wedding ring and watch just in case I slipped and scratched a car. Plus a high visibility vest.

My impressions from the day.

Not a puddle or oil spot in sight, the place looked like it could be making computer chips not cars.

The robots were impressive, my inner child came day dreaming Sarah Connor.

Scott was particularly proud of the very fine tolerances on the shut lines and interior trim, global impression was better than my BMWs and as good as my friends Aston Martins!

I wasn't allowed to sit in the cars, I was allowed to feel the quality of the leather and can confirm the paddles are metal!

I had ordered grey leather, its a lovely colour in the flesh #so happy!

They use standard wheels on the cars in the factory for setting up suspension/alignment/rolling road booth.

I asked why the press prototypes in UK were white? Scott replied that they are proud of all the colours and didn't want to skew purchasing of a particular colour by having that colour heavily featured. The other main issue was a deliberate harkening back to Esprit 007 bedroom poster fantasy car (it was on my wall too).

My impression of the FE colours my preferences in order:

  1. Dark verdant, # so happy, a really classy elegant colour, I was bobbing up and down to catch the factory lights reflection playing across the lines and curves. In bright light it is dark sparkly green, in shadow it looks navy blue, at night it will appear black.
  2. Nimbus, is such a clever colour. The pallet changes dramatically across the lines and curves and it really accentuates the lines and curves.
  3. Magma, is very vibrant its Scott's favourite the orange and gold fleck really pop in direct sunlight.
  4. Shadow, is a dark blue a cross between gun metal grey "bluing" and a polished granite slab for a kitchen top, it is a moody elegant colour.
  5. Hethel is plain shouty colour, it looks great against backdrop of dark tarmac will be great to rapid recognition by other cars on the road
  6. Senna was plain, it might be more interesting in direct light.
  7. White and black, both suit the car what colour wouldn't?
The answer is

There were 3 cars that had been prepared for Holland white, black and Moccasin which looked horrible!

The top table at Lotus are evenly split between Nimbus and Magma as their colours of choice.

They have a testing yard for "squeaks and rattles" there is a mini course which was very tight designed to put the car through a shakedown to ensure no squeaks and rattles.

They have a monsoon testing facility to ensure no leaks, good for Wales and the East Coast of Australia!

I asked about the front number plate deletion option for those countries/states that don't require a front number plate, Scott said that they had been taken aback at the strength of feeling on this and were looking at the possibility of addressing this. Its not a promise but they are thinking about it.

FE V6 ADAS is fitted, the number plate mounting is between the front lip spoiler and the bottom of ADAS pod. At launch ADAS won't be on Scott was open minded about whether ADAS would subsequently be enabled. The car has 50+ computer systems that opens up possibility of software updates at service.

Scott let slip that the I4 was good for 500BHP and that the drivetrain can handle that but the V6 is at the limit of what it can handle reliably.

They are still fettling the I4 sound hence no audio clips.

They are still fettling the steering feel, Gavin is obsessional and has reached 95% satisfied.

Scott was very proud of their Emira and very excited about their EV future, I said i would be sticking my EMIRA plate on my EMIRA and saving the 3MIRA plate for my EV Emira in about 5 years time. As I figure battery technology and EV infrastructure will be more mature. Scott replied that battery trechnology has come on leaps and bounds in last 2 years and he was vey excited about 132 reveal shortly.

Thank you Scott and thank you Lotus!:cool:

Lotus ring.webp
Now the factory tour is officially available I can reveal I had the privilege of a factory tour with Scott Lotus Sales chief.

I had travelled back to UK from Australia for my mother's funeral. (Great life and great send off, no regrets).

I phoned Lotus who kindly agreed to arrange a tour for me, this was on the understanding that I didn't publicise it until they had officially re-instated factory tours. They had already appointed a corporate events/factory tour manager and where working out how to safely accommodated visitors touring the production line whilst ramping up production.

Scott was incredibly enthusiastic and his non stop commentary was both enlightening and entertaining.

To enter the factory floor I had to put on special clean shoes, cover up for wedding ring and watch just in case I slipped and scratched a car. Plus a high visibility vest.

My impressions from the day.

Not a puddle or oil spot in sight, the place looked like it could be making computer chips not cars.

The robots were impressive, my inner child came day dreaming Sarah Connor.

Scott was particularly proud of the very fine tolerances on the shut lines and interior trim, global impression was better than my BMWs and as good as my friends Aston Martins!

I wasn't allowed to sit in the cars, I was allowed to feel the quality of the leather and can confirm the paddles are metal!

I had ordered grey leather, its a lovely colour in the flesh #so happy!

They use standard wheels on the cars in the factory for setting up suspension/alignment/rolling road booth.

I asked why the press prototypes in UK were white? Scott replied that they are proud of all the colours and didn't want to skew purchasing of a particular colour by having that colour heavily featured. The other main issue was a deliberate harkening back to Esprit 007 bedroom poster fantasy car (it was on my wall too).

My impression of the FE colours my preferences in order:

  1. Dark verdant, # so happy, a really classy elegant colour, I was bobbing up and down to catch the factory lights reflection playing across the lines and curves. In bright light it is dark sparkly green, in shadow it looks navy blue, at night it will appear black.
  2. Nimbus, is such a clever colour. The pallet changes dramatically across the lines and curves and it really accentuates the lines and curves.
  3. Magma, is very vibrant its Scott's favourite the orange and gold fleck really pop in direct sunlight.
  4. Shadow, is a dark blue a cross between gun metal grey "bluing" and a polished granite slab for a kitchen top, it is a moody elegant colour.
  5. Hethel is plain shouty colour, it looks great against backdrop of dark tarmac will be great to rapid recognition by other cars on the road
  6. Senna was plain, it might be more interesting in direct light.
  7. White and black, both suit the car what colour wouldn't?
The answer is

There were 3 cars that had been prepared for Holland white, black and Moccasin which looked horrible!

The top table at Lotus are evenly split between Nimbus and Magma as their colours of choice.

They have a testing yard for "squeaks and rattles" there is a mini course which was very tight designed to put the car through a shakedown to ensure no squeaks and rattles.

They have a monsoon testing facility to ensure no leaks, good for Wales and the East Coast of Australia!

I asked about the front number plate deletion option for those countries/states that don't require a front number plate, Scott said that they had been taken aback at the strength of feeling on this and were looking at the possibility of addressing this. Its not a promise but they are thinking about it.

FE V6 ADAS is fitted, the number plate mounting is between the front lip spoiler and the bottom of ADAS pod. At launch ADAS won't be on Scott was open minded about whether ADAS would subsequently be enabled. The car has 50+ computer systems that opens up possibility of software updates at service.

Scott let slip that the I4 was good for 500BHP and that the drivetrain can handle that but the V6 is at the limit of what it can handle reliably.

They are still fettling the I4 sound hence no audio clips.

They are still fettling the steering feel, Gavin is obsessional and has reached 95% satisfied.

Scott was very proud of their Emira and very excited about their EV future, I said i would be sticking my EMIRA plate on my EMIRA and saving the 3MIRA plate for my EV Emira in about 5 years time. As I figure battery technology and EV infrastructure will be more mature. Scott replied that battery trechnology has come on leaps and bounds in last 2 years and he was vey excited about 132 reveal shortly.

Thank you Scott and thank you Lotus!:cool:

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That’s an awesome right up mate. Sounds like it was a brilliant time had at the Lotus HQ.

So to confirm Adas is fitted as said but not enabled? That sounds a bit bizarre to me. Or was it a typo?
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Excellent summary and than you for sharing!!

I'm not quite sure what you mean by: "FE V6 ADAS is fitted, the number plate mounting is between the front lip spoiler and the bottom of ADAS pod. At launch ADAS won't be on Scott was open minded about whether ADAS would subsequently be enabled. The car has 50+ computer systems that opens up possibility of software updates at service."

So ADAS hardware (including the RADAR pod) will be fitted but disabled in shipped V6 FEs?
I asked about the front number plate deletion option for those countries/states that don't require a front number plate, Scott said that they had been taken aback at the strength of feeling on this and were looking at the possibility of addressing this. Its not a promise but they are thinking about it.
FE V6 ADAS is fitted, the number plate mounting is between the front lip spoiler and the bottom of ADAS pod. At launch ADAS won't be on Scott was open minded about whether ADAS would subsequently be enabled. The car has 50+ computer systems that opens up possibility of software updates at service.
They are still fettling the I4 sound hence no audio clips.
They are still fettling the steering feel, Gavin is obsessional and has reached 95% satisfied.

Each of these are key new pieces of information. Thank you so much for asking questions and sharing the conversation with us.

The ADAS comments in particular are quite surprising. I know some of the ADAS features aren't possible on the FE V6 drivetrain, but obviously some of them definitely are or they wouldn't have been using the V6 manual VP007 car to do ADAS testing. I'm fascinated to know what non-enabled hardware may be included in the FE cars. If they do enable features after delivery that would be a huge value add for the early buyers.
That’s an awesome right up mate. Sounds like it was a brilliant time had at the Lotus HQ.

So to confirm Adas is fitted as said but not enabled? That sounds a bit bizarre to me. Or was it a typo?
Scott was a bit fuzzy on whether it would be enabled,
Excellent summary and than you for sharing!!

I'm not quite sure what you mean by: "FE V6 ADAS is fitted, the number plate mounting is between the front lip spoiler and the bottom of ADAS pod. At launch ADAS won't be on Scott was open minded about whether ADAS would subsequently be enabled. The car has 50+ computer systems that opens up possibility of software updates at service."

So ADAS hardware (including the RADAR pod) will be fitted but disabled in shipped V6 FEs?
That was my impression
Awesome write up, thanks. We’ll definitely take the morsels where we get them.

Did you by any change take pictures? 👀
Awesome write up, thanks. We’ll definitely take the morsels where we get them.

Did you by any change take pictures? 👀
Not inside the production facility as Scott was clear that was not allowed, outside there was a gleaming Hethel coloured car that looked great against the tarmac and the 3 Dutch cars, black, white and the horrible "moccasin" one. As I whipped out my phone Scott, said "put that away or you will get me shot"! laughing but he meant it.
A few random questions:
  • Did the leather seats have the 3 embossed stripes on the back seat rest (as per configurator) or were they missing?
  • Did you see forged silver wheels?
A few random questions:
  • Did the leather seats have the 3 embossed stripes on the back seat rest (as per configurator) or were they missing?
  • Did you see forged silver wheels?
I don't recall the details of the stripes on the seats, they only had cast standard wheels as these are the ones the roll the car into the rolling road, alignment booth.
Now the factory tour is officially available I can reveal I had the privilege of a factory tour with Scott Lotus Sales chief.

I had travelled back to UK from Australia for my mother's funeral. (Great life and great send off, no regrets).

I phoned Lotus who kindly agreed to arrange a tour for me, this was on the understanding that I didn't publicise it until they had officially re-instated factory tours. They had already appointed a corporate events/factory tour manager and where working out how to safely accommodated visitors touring the production line whilst ramping up production.

Scott was incredibly enthusiastic and his non stop commentary was both enlightening and entertaining.

To enter the factory floor I had to put on special clean shoes, cover up for wedding ring and watch just in case I slipped and scratched a car. Plus a high visibility vest.

My impressions from the day.

Not a puddle or oil spot in sight, the place looked like it could be making computer chips not cars.

The robots were impressive, my inner child came day dreaming Sarah Connor.

Scott was particularly proud of the very fine tolerances on the shut lines and interior trim, global impression was better than my BMWs and as good as my friends Aston Martins!

I wasn't allowed to sit in the cars, I was allowed to feel the quality of the leather and can confirm the paddles are metal!

I had ordered grey leather, its a lovely colour in the flesh #so happy!

They use standard wheels on the cars in the factory for setting up suspension/alignment/rolling road booth.

I asked why the press prototypes in UK were white? Scott replied that they are proud of all the colours and didn't want to skew purchasing of a particular colour by having that colour heavily featured. The other main issue was a deliberate harkening back to Esprit 007 bedroom poster fantasy car (it was on my wall too).

My impression of the FE colours my preferences in order:

  1. Dark verdant, # so happy, a really classy elegant colour, I was bobbing up and down to catch the factory lights reflection playing across the lines and curves. In bright light it is dark sparkly green, in shadow it looks navy blue, at night it will appear black.
  2. Nimbus, is such a clever colour. The pallet changes dramatically across the lines and curves and it really accentuates the lines and curves.
  3. Magma, is very vibrant its Scott's favourite the orange and gold fleck really pop in direct sunlight.
  4. Shadow, is a dark blue a cross between gun metal grey "bluing" and a polished granite slab for a kitchen top, it is a moody elegant colour.
  5. Hethel is plain shouty colour, it looks great against backdrop of dark tarmac will be great to rapid recognition by other cars on the road
  6. Senna was plain, it might be more interesting in direct light.
  7. White and black, both suit the car what colour wouldn't?
The answer is

There were 3 cars that had been prepared for Holland white, black and Moccasin which looked horrible!

The top table at Lotus are evenly split between Nimbus and Magma as their colours of choice.

They have a testing yard for "squeaks and rattles" there is a mini course which was very tight designed to put the car through a shakedown to ensure no squeaks and rattles.

They have a monsoon testing facility to ensure no leaks, good for Wales and the East Coast of Australia!

I asked about the front number plate deletion option for those countries/states that don't require a front number plate, Scott said that they had been taken aback at the strength of feeling on this and were looking at the possibility of addressing this. Its not a promise but they are thinking about it.

FE V6 ADAS is fitted, the number plate mounting is between the front lip spoiler and the bottom of ADAS pod. At launch ADAS won't be on Scott was open minded about whether ADAS would subsequently be enabled. The car has 50+ computer systems that opens up possibility of software updates at service.

Scott let slip that the I4 was good for 500BHP and that the drivetrain can handle that but the V6 is at the limit of what it can handle reliably.

They are still fettling the I4 sound hence no audio clips.

They are still fettling the steering feel, Gavin is obsessional and has reached 95% satisfied.

Scott was very proud of their Emira and very excited about their EV future, I said i would be sticking my EMIRA plate on my EMIRA and saving the 3MIRA plate for my EV Emira in about 5 years time. As I figure battery technology and EV infrastructure will be more mature. Scott replied that battery trechnology has come on leaps and bounds in last 2 years and he was vey excited about 132 reveal shortly.

Thank you Scott and thank you Lotus!:cool:

View attachment 4092
Great write up thank you! Lots of useful intel and my Nimbus choice looks like a sound one. Will @TomE be tempted to comment?!
Great write up thank you! Lots of useful intel and my Nimbus choice looks like a sound one. Will @TomE be tempted to comment?!
if i was in a country with gentle day light I would have chosen Nimbus its a clever colour, in Perth with "barstard hot" brutal sunshine the dark verdant will look amazing, as would Magma.
Very lively report, thank you very much!
It's a shame you didn't get to take any photos but your description of the colours is worth a lot in itself.
Now the factory tour is officially available I can reveal I had the privilege of a factory tour with Scott Lotus Sales chief.

I had travelled back to UK from Australia for my mother's funeral. (Great life and great send off, no regrets).

I phoned Lotus who kindly agreed to arrange a tour for me, this was on the understanding that I didn't publicise it until they had officially re-instated factory tours. They had already appointed a corporate events/factory tour manager and where working out how to safely accommodated visitors touring the production line whilst ramping up production.

Scott was incredibly enthusiastic and his non stop commentary was both enlightening and entertaining.

To enter the factory floor I had to put on special clean shoes, cover up for wedding ring and watch just in case I slipped and scratched a car. Plus a high visibility vest.

My impressions from the day.

Not a puddle or oil spot in sight, the place looked like it could be making computer chips not cars.

The robots were impressive, my inner child came day dreaming Sarah Connor.

Scott was particularly proud of the very fine tolerances on the shut lines and interior trim, global impression was better than my BMWs and as good as my friends Aston Martins!

I wasn't allowed to sit in the cars, I was allowed to feel the quality of the leather and can confirm the paddles are metal!

I had ordered grey leather, its a lovely colour in the flesh #so happy!

They use standard wheels on the cars in the factory for setting up suspension/alignment/rolling road booth.

I asked why the press prototypes in UK were white? Scott replied that they are proud of all the colours and didn't want to skew purchasing of a particular colour by having that colour heavily featured. The other main issue was a deliberate harkening back to Esprit 007 bedroom poster fantasy car (it was on my wall too).

My impression of the FE colours my preferences in order:

  1. Dark verdant, # so happy, a really classy elegant colour, I was bobbing up and down to catch the factory lights reflection playing across the lines and curves. In bright light it is dark sparkly green, in shadow it looks navy blue, at night it will appear black.
  2. Nimbus, is such a clever colour. The pallet changes dramatically across the lines and curves and it really accentuates the lines and curves.
  3. Magma, is very vibrant its Scott's favourite the orange and gold fleck really pop in direct sunlight.
  4. Shadow, is a dark blue a cross between gun metal grey "bluing" and a polished granite slab for a kitchen top, it is a moody elegant colour.
  5. Hethel is plain shouty colour, it looks great against backdrop of dark tarmac will be great to rapid recognition by other cars on the road
  6. Senna was plain, it might be more interesting in direct light.
  7. White and black, both suit the car what colour wouldn't?
The answer is

There were 3 cars that had been prepared for Holland white, black and Moccasin which looked horrible!

The top table at Lotus are evenly split between Nimbus and Magma as their colours of choice.

They have a testing yard for "squeaks and rattles" there is a mini course which was very tight designed to put the car through a shakedown to ensure no squeaks and rattles.

They have a monsoon testing facility to ensure no leaks, good for Wales and the East Coast of Australia!

I asked about the front number plate deletion option for those countries/states that don't require a front number plate, Scott said that they had been taken aback at the strength of feeling on this and were looking at the possibility of addressing this. Its not a promise but they are thinking about it.

FE V6 ADAS is fitted, the number plate mounting is between the front lip spoiler and the bottom of ADAS pod. At launch ADAS won't be on Scott was open minded about whether ADAS would subsequently be enabled. The car has 50+ computer systems that opens up possibility of software updates at service.

Scott let slip that the I4 was good for 500BHP and that the drivetrain can handle that but the V6 is at the limit of what it can handle reliably.

They are still fettling the I4 sound hence no audio clips.

They are still fettling the steering feel, Gavin is obsessional and has reached 95% satisfied.

Scott was very proud of their Emira and very excited about their EV future, I said i would be sticking my EMIRA plate on my EMIRA and saving the 3MIRA plate for my EV Emira in about 5 years time. As I figure battery technology and EV infrastructure will be more mature. Scott replied that battery trechnology has come on leaps and bounds in last 2 years and he was vey excited about 132 reveal shortly.

Thank you Scott and thank you Lotus!:cool:

View attachment 4092
Ahhh, just read that on FB, excellent account - thanks for sharing!
My take on the colours

1. Nimbus shows all the surface changes as it changes hue, the designers choice. In sunlight there is a 'bronze' undertone.

2. Verdant. Very rich dark green which develops in sunlight.

3. Magna. A bipolar colour, vibrant in sunshine, darker and deeper in shade. It reminded me of Mclaren Volcano Red in sunshine.

4. Shadow Grey. Classy dark rich grey that has, to my eyes a blue undertone in certain light.

5. Yellow. Not lemon or buttery but , sort of mustard. It shouts out.

4. White. Clean and bright.
So glad I’m not having to decide colour right now as I’m i4 camp! Also, great to know that i4 will be good for more power and more noise …..

Hardcore I4 500bhp GT4 DCT anyone?

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