The ride heights looked pretty much the same for me too!
Maybe my eye sight or recollection of the day, but blue car looks like a smaller wheel gap to me, even at that distance and its the Sports set up, not sure which of the others was sport, but 100% one of the yellows was tour. Its so hard to see black tyre against empty space, hence also black.
This particular instructor, as I mentioned, was the primary guy, more so than Gav it was implied, who set up the GT4 race car, so he should know more than most and not just a guy who comes in for a few days and does track days, you would hope.
Again, I´ve no idea, but the cars there were 100% different in their wheel gaps between tour and sport, I saw it with my own eyes and these were cars running not just showroom cars that can have any height you want. I put my fingers into the gap as did he and there was a difference and he said it was meant to be that way.
Maybe they were set up incorrectly for the center, maybe the guy is misinformed, as they are preproducion cars and now maybe things have changed, anything is possible, but seems unlikely at the same time. As stated you cannot trust anyone at this stage or too many details around the car, but I trust what I witnessed and actually drove myself and I repeat, there was hardly if any discernible difference to driving them.
I cannot say any more, other than he was also at great lengths to illustrate that around the track there was really no noticeable difference between the tour and sport.
Its a never ending discussion that will only potentially be resolved when the cars are at the dealers and thats IF LOTUS explain fully every detail to the dealers, which I cannot see happening either. However, you would hope they send a tour and sport to each dealer and then you can see how the final cars are set up