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  1. M

    Any photos of Meridian Blue Yet?

    Had the opportunity to finally see this color in person here in the US as V6 deliveries are starting to happen here. Took a few good pics of this, unfortunately car was not prepped yet and still a bit dirty from the shipping process. Anybody thinking of going with this color will definitely NOT...
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  8. M

    Members from the Carolinas

    There was also a beautiful magma red one that was prepped on the showroom floor
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  11. M

    Members from the Carolinas

    There wasn't one in the showroom that was prepped, but I did take a pic of one outside on the lot. I attached it here.
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  13. M

    Members from the Carolinas

    Sorry, Shane just told me that one had come in recently so I thought it was yours since you said it was already in the country. You will love the color once you see it in of luck and hope you take delivery soon.
  14. M

    Members from the Carolinas

    Hope you don't mind but I wanted to post a few pics of this brilliant color for the folks on this forum stream. And the car hadn't been prepped yet; still a bit dirty from the shipping process. When it's prepped, it will be incredible.
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  19. M

    Members from the Carolinas

    Just wanted to give you some feedback on our Meridian Blue color. Went up to LCF this week to look at your car in-person and all I can say is WOW!!!!! I have to say after seeing it, Meridian Blue is absolutely amazing in person, and the gorgeous deep blue metallic fleck in the sunlight makes...
  20. M

    Members from the Carolinas

    Absolutely, thanks!!
  21. M

    Members from the Carolinas

    Wow, that's great!! I really happy for you. Would you please let me know after you get an update on the timing. I also hope you don't mind if I contact Shane to also get a timing of when your car will be at the dealership before you take delivery. I would love to drive up to take a look at it!!
  22. M

    i4 Emira on order

    i4 Emira on order
  23. M

    Members from the Carolinas

    Hello fellow Emira lovers from the Carolinas. I just joined the Emira forum and found this stream. I seem to be one of the few from South Carolina that I have seen replying on this stream so far; I'm in the Myrtle Beach area. I am really happy to hear that many of you are finally taking delivery...
  24. M

    Race to the first i4

    Awesome, thanks I appreciate the feedback and your opinion having seen it in-person. You're right, it is all personal preferences, but the car looks so amazing in just about every color and so many configurations it's hard to go wrong.
  25. M

    Race to the first i4

    Yes, I saw them, thanks! I was having a difficult time deciding whether I was going to stick with the Merdian blue or switch to nimbus grey, since there are so few pictures of this color out there so far. After I saw your pics and a few others of this color on the forum, I will stick with the...
  26. M

    Emira on order

    Emira on order
  27. M

    Any photos of Meridian Blue Yet?

    Thanks for all the great pics of this fantastic Meridian Blue color. I placed my order in this color a while back and was questioning if I made the right choice not having seen any pics or videos of it yet. Was teetering back and forth of going with this or the nimbus grey, but after seeing...
  28. M

    Race to the first i4

    Great pics, is the 4th pic posted a Meridian Blue? And glad to hear from many of you that the I4 is finally moving in the UK!! I'm a long time deposit down buyer in the US waiting patiently for our NA deliveries. Hoping things might accelerate a bit for the buyers wanting and loving this car...
  29. M

    Meridian Blue Exterior Color

    Has anyone seen yet, or have links to any good pictures or videos of the Meridian Blue exterior on the Emira?