Search results

  1. andreino14

    I'm looking for help finding the exhaust valve control module

    Mi si è colato Il modulo che controlla la valvola di scarico e il concessionario mi dice che Lotus non ha il pezzo di ricambio ma il terminale di scarico completo. Qualcuno riesce a trovare un codice o un modulo che funzioni anche per altre marche di auto? Io ho preso quello da una BMW M4 ma...
  2. andreino14

    Be careful with the milltek module!! It short circuits

    The cable that connects the valve to the module is made of normal unshielded cable for temperature. It dripped onto my car and the cable caused a short circuit, melting the module with the risk of catching fire. After having the controller analyzed (which confirmed what was described) I...
  3. andreino14

    cast millteck module

    the car went into protection but I didn't understand why. From that moment on, the control that controls the valve no longer worked. Had the diagnosis done but it didn't give any alarms. I decided to dismantle everything convinced that the plate was blocked, but instead I found this surprise. It...
  4. andreino14

    nitron -15 kg

    Ho montato un kit Nitron Club Sport e sono molto soddisfatto. l'auto pesa -15kg ed è stata ribassata di 2cm
  5. andreino14


    Is anyone aware of the convergence data of the standard Emira V6? Anyone who has assembled Nitron club sports?
  6. andreino14

    I'm looking for these alloy wheels

    Hello, who can tell me the brand/manufacturer of the rims in the picture? Thank you
  7. andreino14

    Cat 200 Cell Sports

    Cat 200 Cell Sports . I still need to place the flanges where to attach the probes. 304 steel sports muffler with original valve
  8. andreino14

    Carpet stoppers

    Carpet stop plugs available
  9. andreino14

    Warped bumper

    Washing the car I saw deformations of the bumper, pointed out to the dealers... We found a surprise. the supports cracked and the screws too tight. Let's wait to see what LOTUS says
  10. andreino14

    Lotus owners in Italy

    hello, how many Emira owners are there in Italy? I'm attaching some photos of mine with the changes I made
  11. andreino14

    stainless steel exhaust terminal

    terminale di scarico in acciaio inox, controllo attivo della valvola Milltek , decat e filtro sportivo Controllo attivo della valvola,
  12. andreino14

    rullata 1° STAGE

  13. andreino14

    Who produces the original drain valve

    I'm making a terminal both in stainless steel and titanium but I can not find online who produces the electric valve that manages the exhaust gas discharge. My emira has already given twice mechanical error of the valve limiting the exhaust performance, so I am forced to find an identical to...
  14. andreino14

    3D exhaust terminal file

    can anyone get the 3D file of the exhaust terminal of the Emira V6?
  15. andreino14

    cover the roof with carbon wrap

    I have the roof in "seneca blue" and I would like to try a carbon wrap (3M) only the central part without the uprights, what do you think? Does anyone have a way to simulate this configuration?
  16. andreino14

    air noise after 150

    Yesterday I finally almost finished the run-in and I put a little to the test "Emira".... At a speed above 160, it seems that the driver's side door deforms causing the air noise to increase to the point of annoyance. Today I will bring this to my dealer. However, in terms of performance...
  17. andreino14

    Air filter

  18. andreino14

    spaccato del terminale di scarico | cutaway of the exhaust terminal

    Qualcuno ha la sezione del terminale di scarico? Devo capire come girano i flussi di gas di scarico. Does anyone have the tailpipe section? I need to figure out how the exhaust gas flows.
  19. andreino14

    electric seats

    Come faccio a spostare automaticamente indietro il sedile del conducente quando il motore è spento? How do I automatically move the driver's seat back when the engine is off?
  20. andreino14

    close the mirrors electrically

    C'è un modo per chiudere elettricamente gli specchietti retrovisori? Ho chiesto al concessionario ma mi dice che vanno chiuse manualmente (se sei dentro l'auto) Is there a way to power fold the wing mirrors? I asked the dealer but he tells me that they must be closed manually (if you are inside...
  21. andreino14


    Qualcuno ha i manuali d'officina?
  22. andreino14

    inizio prove e modifiche | start testing and modifications

    iniziamo con la sostituzione di cat. con un tubo (provvisorio) in inox. Il rumore è già cambiato. Attendiamo le targhe per la prova in strada. A seguire test in titanio. let's start with the substitution of cat. with a (provisional) stainless steel tube. The noise has already changed. We await...
  23. andreino14

    buongiorno | good morning

    grazie per essere stato ammesso thank you for being admitted