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  1. Davidexige

    416HP i4?

    I was just looking at the Emira parts catalogue and noticed they list the air filter fits the following i4 variants (AMG 2.0L 400HP Engine, AMG 2.0L 360HP Engine, AMG 2.0L 416HP Engine) I'm guessing the parts catalogue must be a few years old now, but I wonder if at some point they envisaged...
  2. Davidexige

    Close but no cigar, just yet

    Long story short, having previously had an S1 Elise and S1 Exige I left the Lotus fold and went off to try something Italian, I didn’t think I would be back in a Lotus as it was a case of having been there and done that, it was time to move on, roll on the Launch of the Emira at Goodwood, WOW...
  3. Davidexige

    First second hand/used car for sale?

    Saw this posted on Pistonheads, is this the first used car for sale? If so the price is a bit of an eye opener €151,070
  4. Davidexige

    2022 v 2024 Model differences

    Thought that this perhaps deserved a thread of it’s own, having seen the post by “GaterMotorsport” stating that for the USA at least, that all cars produced in 2023 will be model year 2024, what do we think the difference’s will be, the only thing I could think of would perhaps be the fitting of...