Search results

  1. RyanGphoto

    Red Exclamation Mark in dash

    I tried to search.. couldn't find anything. I stopped for gas (I left the car on while pumping).. When I went to drive away there is now a RED exclamation mark with a triangle in the dash (not the yellow one that comes up when gas is low and other things). Any thoughts on what this can be? I...
  2. RyanGphoto

    Android Auto constantly disconnecting - Any fix yet?

    So I have read numerous threads of people (on here and elsewhere) that Android Auto keeps disconnecting with no fixes.. This happens probably 10+ times for me on a 45 minute drive and I have to open spotify hit the play button, then tap the Android Auto icon on the infotainment 4-5 times and...
  3. RyanGphoto

    Brakes squeaking after 5,000 miles

    Anyone else have this? I garage my car, hardly ever drive in the rain (unless I get caught in it somehow).. and now my brakes are squealing when I come to a stop (but only when I am going slow to a stop). Any thoughts? Ryan G
  4. RyanGphoto

    GRP Short Shifter Install Notes and My thoughts

    So working on my friends car again and installed the GRP short shifter this morning. A few notes and thoughts.. (thank you to all that added notes to the other thread they were very helpful) and to @kitkat for the install video. The install was pretty straight forward after watching the video...
  5. RyanGphoto

    3rd Cat Delete and Valve Controller Opinion

    I just spent quite a bit of time in my car (factory) and a friends who just did the 3rd Cat and Valve controller.. My opinion might be a little different.. 1. When you are ON the gas in any gear, it sounds AMAZING.. with the valves 100% open in Sport mode. 2. When you are just cruising...
  6. RyanGphoto

    10mm Spacers.. My thoughts on my 10mm all around with pics

    So I researched like everyone here all about spacers.. What size, how far do the tires stick out, etc, etc.. Well I found for ME, the 10mm for the front was perfect.. I think 12mm for the rear would be ideal as 10mm in the rear is just not enough (yea I know 2mm isn't a big deal, but I can tell...
  7. RyanGphoto

    10mm hubcentric spacers

    So I know people didn't think it was possible for hubcentric spacers at 10mm. But here is proof. Got these from crestima (thanks again). Putting them on Saturday. I just think 12mm sticks out just a hair too much on the front so I wanted 10mm. I might buy the 12mm for the rear of it bothers...
  8. RyanGphoto

    Temp on dashboard - 200F ALWAYS

    I don't think this is an issue, but once I drive the car for more than 15 minutes my temperature (I believe the oil temp on the dashboard) shows 200F constantly.. It doesn't go lower or higher than that, just pegged there.. Anything to worry about? When should I start to worry if at all...
  9. RyanGphoto

    When to shift during regular driving

    While driving around.. What RPM do you normally shift to the next gear when accelerating? I normally shift RIGHT above the 3k rpm mark (unless I am wanting to hear the engine or trying to pass or something similar). So I was wondering.. where do you guys normally shift when just driving...
  10. RyanGphoto

    Software updates

    Not a problem.. but not sure where to put this.. I don't really have any issues, just a check engine here and there that clears itself.. I hear about software updates and the water intrusion fix and a few other things... my question... IF I don't really have much going on does it make sense...
  11. RyanGphoto

    Decat - KINDA

    So instead of replacing the 3rd cat with the De-cat.. Could I just bore out the 3rd cat and it would be like having a straight pipe (GRP 3rd cat delete) back there? So If I had to take it somewhere no one would know... I dunno just thinking would that save me a few hundred $$ and still...
  12. RyanGphoto

    Short duration for trip odometer time frame

    Does anyone know how long the short duration for the tripodometer lasts? I know it's more than 2 hours before it resets but definitely less than 12 hours just curious if anyone knows the exact timing
  13. RyanGphoto

    Install video 3rd cat delete and Milltek VC

    I can't seem to find any detailed install videos of these. Anyone know of any? Trying to do this soon and need all the help I can get! Thanks Ryan G
  14. RyanGphoto

    ODB Scanners

    Anyone recommend one? I don't think paying $200+ makes sense for me as I only really have 2 cars and nothing is wrong with the Audi.. Just trying to figure out if it's even worth it to get one. I do get the check engine light on occasionally. Then it goes away and comes back a day later or...
  15. RyanGphoto

    Fog lights for front

    Has anyone looked into getting separate fog lights installed on their cars. I love the look (and functionality) of front fog lights on cars. Any thoughts on this? Thanks Ryan G
  16. RyanGphoto

    Exterior color hex codee

    Anyone know the magma red Seneca blue and yellow hex codes by chance?
  17. RyanGphoto

    Tire Pressure - How to change display from Bars to PSI

    I am not sure how this happened, but my display is now showing BARS instead of PSI.. Anyone know how to change it back?
  18. RyanGphoto

    Hanging up a call with the touchpads?

    Another question... Is it possible to hang up a call using the touchpads? I haven't figured it out yet, so I go into Android Auto back to the phone call there and hangup there.. Thanks Ryan G
  19. RyanGphoto

    Cruise control on V6 manual

    Don't flame me... but is there a cruise control on the manual? Is there a way to add one? I drive occasionally a LONG way each way on the highway and would love to just put it on cruise control.. Is this possible? Thanks Ryan G
  20. RyanGphoto

    Waze missing from Android Auto

    I started my car today and I haven't used Waze in a little while and I went to try and load it up in Android Auto and it's not showing in the list.. I checked my phone and Waze is NOT in deep sleep.. I updated the app and it's still not showing there.. Any thoughts? Ryan G
  21. RyanGphoto

    Quick detailing sprays for black pack areas

    So.. I noticed that on the black pack parts (top and bottom) as well as the black strip on the back of the car above the license plate and the black rear vents on each side, they all get insanely filthy every time I drive the car more than 10 minutes.. I am just looking for something to wipe...
  22. RyanGphoto

    Battery Tender not seeing battery

    Hey guys, So I just bought a Noco Genius 1 (I have a Noco Genius 5 already that is working and charging the motorcycle). So I bought the Genius 1 to put on the motorcycle and move the Genius 5 over to the Emira. The Genius 5 was working great on the motorcycle.. I plugged in the Genius 1 on...
  23. RyanGphoto

    Fuse Box Location for 12V behind arm rest

    I search, but sadly the words are too short and nothing comes up. Does anyone know where the Fuse Box for the 12V port behind the middle arm rest is located and how to get to it and then which fuse that is? I would love pics, as I am not really handy and if anyone has a write up on how to get...
  24. RyanGphoto

    Seats too high

    I guess I am used to my other cars seating, which I feel I am MUCH lower in the car with those other cars in the past. I feel like the seats are too high in the Emira. I would love to be lower (I lowered the seats as much as they will go).. but I feel like the back window would be much more...
  25. RyanGphoto

    Shifting in V6 manual

    Not sure where to ask this.. But I was wondering how everyone shifts in their cars.. Meaning downshifting when coming to a stop light or a stop in general. When I am in 4th or higher, I downshift to the next lower gear until I hit third.. Then I shift out of third into Neutral. Is that...
  26. RyanGphoto

    Steering Wheel Center emblem

    I was wondering if anyone found or could make, Perhaps @GRP , a center steering wheel emblem that was the same as the yellow center caps on the wheels.. I would love to match that, as I have the yellow brake calipers and want to get the yellow gaitor for the shifter as well. Any one have any...
  27. RyanGphoto

    Key Fob bottom Hinge

    I tried to search.. Does anyone know why there is a button on the bottom of the fob that unlocks a hinge at the bottom of the key fob? What is the purpose of this? Thanks Ryan G ps I can't thread a set of keys through the key fob opening at all.
  28. RyanGphoto

    Folding mirrors while car is on

    Is there any way to fold the mirrors in while the car is on. My mirrors are really close to my garage sides when I'm pulling into it and I want to fold them as far in as possible. Any thoughts? Thanks Ryan G
  29. RyanGphoto

    Car Cover

    I tried to do a search and I checked all 4 pages on here for exterior and I can't find a thread on car covers.. So what is everyone using? My Emira will be in the garage and so I just need a lightweight super soft cover for dust and whatnot. Anyone come across something like this? What...
  30. RyanGphoto

    Lotus Driving Experience

    Hey everyone, Yes I searched.. I am looking to do this in March.. but wondering if there is anything else to do around there before or after the driving experience (full day). Also any insights on the best way to get there (cheapest also) from Heathrow. I am hoping NOT to fly to Heathrow...
  31. RyanGphoto

    Zinc or Osmium? Black or silver wheels?

    I'm so torn here as I get to configure my car Monday. Just wondering what you guys think. I've only seen the zinc in person (with black rims) I've not seen osmium in person and the osmium I have seen online doesn't have the black rims or the silver ones I would want. The zinc from today was...
  32. RyanGphoto

    Fe 2.0 vs base

    Question for you guys I'm just curious if you had the ability to buy a first edition for $10,000 less than a base and take delivery in June over potentially this coming December but you could not get your first choice of color you'd have to deal with your second choice of color would you do it?
  33. RyanGphoto

    Delivery Checklist

    Hey everyone, I know there is a thread with all the problems but was wondering if anyone had a checklist to go over before taking delivery of the Emira... I used to have one for any new car that you purchase but I lost it somewhere between new computer builds.. I know there are things to...
  34. RyanGphoto

    Hello from Tampa, FL

    Hey guys, Been a lurker for a long while and put down a deposit back in April 2023.. I am told it should come sometime end of next year which I don't mind the wait, but just wanted to introduce myself. Look forward to talking in the forums.. I am also thinking of doing the Lotus...