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  1. SlipNslide281

    Emira insurance in the US

    you could try "Hagerty". It's about the same price.
  2. SlipNslide281

    🏆 EPOTM Contest September 2024 - Emira Photo of the Month starts now! Get your entries and vote in here!

    Oh this was in Fremont CA? I think I was at that event with Trackspec?
  3. Adamlotus3.webp


  4. SlipNslide281

    First Edition vs First Edition 2.0

    LOL I have the FE2.0 and have the little net on the passenger side. I use it for my dashcam cable that is to long. I just stuff the rest of the cable about 4 feet of cable in it. :)
  5. SlipNslide281

    Do people really dislike the covered start button?

    I don't mind it. I rest my palm on it all the time after shifting. If it wasn't there, I would be turning off the car all the time by accident. Also The red goes well with my tan interior.
  6. SlipNslide281

    Another new member in California

    The new 2025 Cayman 718 finally is changing their body style a bit but I chose to go with the Emira. I hope I did not make a mistake. I hope these cars hold up as well. :)
  7. SlipNslide281

    Another new member in California

    I probably wont be around. Visiting family. But please hit me up for other drives.
  8. SlipNslide281

    Privacy glass “double negative” option

    My car came with the "Privacy delete" :( No Privacy glass.
  9. SlipNslide281

    Emira insurance in the US

  10. SlipNslide281

    Privacy glass “double negative” option

    Does the heat from the engine not cause the tint to bubble? I went to tint mine and the tint company stated that it would not last long due to the engine heat. So since the little behind the seats to see into the engine compartment, I tinted that instead so that people are not looking at the...
  11. SlipNslide281

    Emira insurance in the US

    I am in the Bay Area, I pay $122.00 a month for my Emira. I went with Hagerty.
  12. SlipNslide281

    Another new member in California

    I got lucky, on mine. I was at the dealer when the 6 cars were just removed from the truck and found out that the person who ordered the Verdant Green cancelled their order. I snatched it up as quick as I could. :) No deposit, no wait.
  13. SlipNslide281

    Magma Emira FE2 in Houston

    Gorgeous car. Magma red was my first color choice. I love the rear tailpipes, and the black rear bumper lettering. Congratulations.
  14. SlipNslide281

    Another new member in California

    Thank you, I appreciate it. :)
  15. SlipNslide281

    Another new member in California

    Yes they got a delivery of 6. They pulled them off the truck and you can tell they went on a long journey. They were so dirty. 😁 Oh nice. Thank you for the link!! :)
  16. SlipNslide281

    Another new member in California

    Thank you. It does look better in person. I don’t think photos do it justice.
  17. SlipNslide281

    Another new member in California

    I have always wanted a Lotus Elise or Exige. I have gone through several different Mustangs, BMW, and recently traded my Porsche Cayman GTS 2.5ltr Turbo for now my new 2024 Lotus Emira. Dark Verdant. My favorite car so far was my 760rwhp 2016 Stage 3 Roush but now it is the Porsche. I have...
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  23. SlipNslide281

    Emira Dark Verdant full wrap...any suggestions? Any experiences with this colour?

    I was told that tinting the back window it would bubble. What type of tint did you go with and have you had any problems?
  24. SlipNslide281

    New Member from California - Long Time Lotus addict, First Time Emira Owner

    LOL I barely have 128 miles trying my best to keep it below 4000rpm's. Work just started getting busy and have not been able to to get out and drive it. I hope to get out this weekend. Finally a week of great weather here in the Bay. Hope to meet you some day at one of the local popup events...
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  30. SlipNslide281

    New Member from California - Long Time Lotus addict, First Time Emira Owner

    I too just picked up an Emira from Los Gatos. :)