Europe dealer demo cars - specifications


Staff member
Aug 10, 2021
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Emira Status
Emira on order
Starting a new thread to collate the info on demo cars arriving at dealers in Europe. I'll update the table in this first post as we get more details. In some cases it's not 100% clear yet if the cars are dealer demos or first customer cars.

Discussion about the demo cars is in this thread.

Details for UK demo cars are here.

LocationEngine/transColourInteriorSuspensionOther specsNotes
Thierry Verhiest Oostende BelgiumV6 manualShadow GreyRed leathertbcBlack Pack, DC wheels, red calipers
Thierry Verhiest
Oostende Belgium
V6 manualHethel YellowtbctbcBlack Pack, black wheels, yellow calipers
Frédéric Koninckx
Antwerp Belgium
V6 manualSeneca BlueBlack alcantara, yellow stitchTouring + EagleBlack Pack, DC wheels, yellow calipersCustomer car
Frédéric Koninckx
Antwerp Belgium
V6 manualDark VerdantBlack alcantara, yellow stitchTouring + EagleDC wheels, yellow calipersCustomer car
Frédéric Koninckx
Antwerp Belgium
V6 manualDark VerdantBlack alcantara, yellow stitchSports + EagleBlack wheels, yellow calipersCustomer car
Frédéric Koninckx
Antwerp Belgium
V6 manualDark VerdanttbctbcSilver wheels, yellow calipersCustomer car #4 delivered 12 Sept
Autohaus Haese
Wiesbaden Germany
V6 manualSeneca BluetbctbcBlack Pack, black wheels, yellow calipers
Torino Gino
Turin Italy
V6 manualHethel YellowBlack alcantara, yellow stitchtbcBlack Pack, black wheels, yellow calipers
Jacobs Sportscars
Eschweiler Germany
V6 manualHethel YellowtbctbcBlack Pack, black wheels, black calipers
M.A.S Style
Wuppertal Germany
V6 manualNimbus GreyRed leather (tbc)SportsBlack Pack, black wheels, red calipersspec tbc and not yet delivered
M.A.S Style
Wuppertal Germany
Seneca Bluedetails tbc
M.A.S Style
Wuppertal Germany
Hethel Yellowdetails tbc
Lotus Cavallari
V6 manualSeneca BlueBlack alcantara, yellow stitch (tbc)tbcBlack Pack, DC wheels, yellow calipers
Lotus Cerini
Ticino Italy
V6 manualDark VerdanttbctbcBlack wheels. yellow calipers
Bauden Racing
Les Scales France
V6 manualSeneca BluetbctbcDC wheels, yellow calipers
Bauden Racing
Les Scales France
V6 manualHethel YellowtbctbcBlack Pack, black wheels, yellow calipers
Bilbao Spain
V6 manualMagma RedBlack alcantara, red stitchSports + Cup2Black Pack, black wheels, red calipersArrived 8 Nov
Bilbao Spain
V6 autoShadow Greydelayed
Orleans France
V6 manualSeneca BlueBlack alcantara, yellow stitchBlack Pack, silver wheels, yellow calipers
Dörrgruppe Frankfurt
V6 manualDark VerdantTan leatherTouring + EagleYellow calipersShowroom car arrived 17 Oct, demo car due soon
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Correction - The red leather car in Belgium was a Shadow Grey, not DV.
A V6 Seneca Blue demonstration vehicle has also arrived in Germany at Haese in Wiesbaden. My dealer, the Dörr company in Frankfurt, is also expecting two V6 demonstration vehicles in shadow gray in the next few days. Greetings from Germany.
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Seneca Blue demo car just arrived at Lotus Cavallari in Monaco:

Lotus Cavallari Monaco Seneca Blue 01.jpg
Lotus Cavallari Monaco Seneca Blue 02.jpg
Lotus Cavallari Monaco Seneca Blue 03.jpg
Lotus Cavallari Monaco Seneca Blue 04.jpg
Lotus Cavallari Monaco Seneca Blue 05.jpg
Lotus Cavallari Monaco Seneca Blue 06.jpg
Lotus Cavallari Monaco Seneca Blue 07.jpg
Lotus Cavallari Monaco Seneca Blue 08.jpg
Lotus Cavallari Monaco Seneca Blue 09.jpg

Pics: Lotus Cavallari
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Notice this doesn't have the front number plate plinth fitted, but has the four holes in the lower lip where it would be screwed on :(
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I've added the EU dealer cars as they've been posted on other threads. If you have info on any of the tbc items or cars/dealers I've missed then post them here and I'll update the first post.
info from my dealer now:

They will receive only one Magma Red by mid October. The other one. Shadow Grey is delayed since they ordered Auto.

Lotus Carwagen, Bilbao

Magma Red
Full Black Pack
Manual, Sport Suspension
Michelin Sport Cup 2's
Alcantara w/ Red Stiching
Red Calipers
Black Forged V Shape Rims

Estimated Mid October

I´ll let you know when I plan to steal it! 😜
@ TomE
The company Dörrgruppe in Frankfurt has now received a showroom V6 manual Emira. Color dark verdant, seats tan, touring, brake caliper yellow. The demonstration car should also arrive in the next few days.
I've added the EU dealer cars as they've been posted on other threads. If you have info on any of the tbc items or cars/dealers I've missed then post them here and I'll update the first post.

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