Coolant Temp Display Range


New member
May 10, 2023
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Hi folks, very odd request - But I'm curious to know what the range is on the engine temp bar on the display.
Sometimes engine temp isn't shown from near ambient temps, so I'm looking for what temp the value starts displaying at as well as how it corresponds to the bar.
Obviously I'm hoping nobody has overheated one yet, so I'm not likely to know what the bar tops out at, but if you can let me know what the beginning and middle are, that'd be greatly appreciated.

Hi folks, very odd request - But I'm curious to know what the range is on the engine temp bar on the display.
Sometimes engine temp isn't shown from near ambient temps, so I'm looking for what temp the value starts displaying at as well as how it corresponds to the bar.
Obviously I'm hoping nobody has overheated one yet, so I'm not likely to know what the bar tops out at, but if you can let me know what the beginning and middle are, that'd be greatly appreciated.
The manual shows it halfway at 87C, and full, red and pinging at 130C?

Hi folks, very odd request - But I'm curious to know what the range is on the engine temp bar on the display.
Sometimes engine temp isn't shown from near ambient temps, so I'm looking for what temp the value starts displaying at as well as how it corresponds to the bar.
Obviously I'm hoping nobody has overheated one yet, so I'm not likely to know what the bar tops out at, but if you can let me know what the beginning and middle are, that'd be greatly appreciated.

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The lowest it goes seems to be 40 deg and halfway is 90 (target)

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