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Sad News...Tom at Boardwalk Lotus

OMG I loved Tom we spoke a few weeks ago. I am so upset. He was a good guy, I knew some of his medical history as we talked in the past for the last 5 years. I am so sad for his family. LOVE TOM and his passion for cars he will be missed.
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That is so sad. I only knew him briefly but he was such a great guy. He will be missed. :cry:
What no way. This is so sad. We spoke so many times and just had a conversation with him last week. Such a great honest guy 😢
My partner and I are deeply saddened by his passing.

In her words: "I barely knew him and we probably spoke a total of 3 hours, but despite our limited time together I learned a thing or two from him and he really left a mark."

He was truly one of the good ones and will surely be missed.
Oh man, sad news. My heart goes out to his family. My wife and I bought our Lotus Evora 2+2 from him in 2014, and when we came back in 2021 to look at the Evora GT they had, he remembered us!

He set me up with the Emira test drive event in Carmel last year as well - that was the last I spoke with him! Was trying to buy an orpahned Emira from him before I found one at luxury los gatos but he never responded; wonder if he was having health issues by then.

RIP Tom 😭🫡 Thank you for helping the local Lotus community for all these years.

Here's the evora as we were buying it from Tom. wish I had taken a photo with Tom in it!

2013-07-27 13.24.07.jpeg
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Very sad news. Tom was a great guy who really loved the car community. Over the years we bought two VW Golf's from Tom. Sometimes I would drop by his office for some car talk. Did a test drive in a Emira earlier this year with him.
OMG. I just texted Tom and Kyle 15 minutes ago and then came across this thread. So sad to hear. May he RIP. Was such a good dude.
He was well loved at Boardwalk. There 25 years I believe. I dropped in at the dealership unaware last week soon after Tom's passing and encountered a crying employee and a sad team. :(
I am so shocked and saddened to hear of Tom's passing. I am local and over the last two years I would ride my bike down to the dealership and talk with both Tom and Kyle. While I waited over 20-months for my Dark Verdant /manual, I took several test drives in the Emira and I had the distinction of being the first to drive, with Tom, in the first blue demo that would stay with the dealership for several weeks. Tom and I stayed in the car and went through all the controls and during our discussions I learned we were both the same age. He really was a dedicated "car-guy" and his passion for performance automobiles was clearly evident. His shoes will be incredibly hard to fill. What a loss of a wonderful guy:cry: RIP Tom:(

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