Wing Mirror not returning to original position


New member
Jan 17, 2025
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Hey all,

Picked up my Seneca Blue V6 last week.

When I reverse the mirrors dip, when I take it out of reverse the mirrors move back but the left one never moves back to the original position.

Is this a setting that I’ve missed to save position or is it a problem


Hey all,

Picked up my Seneca Blue V6 last week.

When I reverse the mirrors dip, when I take it out of reverse the mirrors move back but the left one never moves back to the original position.

Is this a setting that I’ve missed to save position or is it a problem

Ran in to the same issue, but neither mirrors really returned to their original set position. More like they returned to a "factory set" position. It was weird. Honestly though, the "dip" was a little much for me, and I am able to more easily reverse without the "dip". So, I just turned the function off.
I’ve had the same issue occasionally too. Weirdly seems to happen when it’s cold, could be just a coincidence? Sometimes toggling between reverse and forward works, other times I’ve had to do the old off/on ignition thing.
Thankfully not a big issue in the grand scheme of things
@MikeG, Interesting that you are finding a pattern with cold weather. When I finally decided that the "dip" was not beneficial, and disabled the function, it was a decidedly cold day in Palm Beach. Probably 30+ deg. colder than normal, but I never gave that fact a thought..

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