New profile posts


Welcome to the forum! I created the GTA thread - working with the same guy as MAFFU for PPF as well and have the info, where are you in the journey and are you with Oakville or Gentry?

Hi Kaze, sorry just too busy and forgot to reply. My number is 780-709-7399. Maybe we can meet up later and also there are like 2 more members in Calgary? Keep in touch!


I might suggest calling Mike Leddy at San Francisco Lotus. He is not only the sales manager, but he is also a master Lotus mechanic. He may be able to help.



PS My Emira is on order through SF Lotus. Any day I am told!
Nice meeting you at the British Car show today!
Likewise, nice to meet you and your son. You should stop by at a CECC sometime, they have a show every last Saturday of the month, there is a nice diverse group of cars from all marquees……
Mind linking me to the thread you spoke about with the renders you might / are doing? :)
I haven't shown anybody what I'm going to do yet because I don't want it showing up on somebody else's car first lol. It's probably going to be at least a month. I'm going to wait to post anything until my custom wheels arrive, which are supposed to be about 4 weeks. I want to do it all together at the same time so it will be a complete look. It won't be a render, it will be my actual car.
Hi Martyn -
Hope all's well.
When convenient (not an emergency, by any means), could I get on your list for the Workshop and user manuals?
Given that you may be 'sold out', could you put me on your waiting list, if there's a second run?
I've only just received my vehicle and am fine to wait.
Please let me know when you have time,
Cheers and all the best -
Glenn Fong,
Arlington, VA, 22207, USA
Hi Martyn

I am on the list and I have paid. But it does not show my payment.


Maybe your question is outdated, but anyway, ...


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I took time to look at the thread. Looks like Workshop Manual with shipping to US is $95. Let me know if I am correct. Email:, Cell: 828-284-8047. Forward payment method please.

Thanks, Kelly
Martyn, If you do not mind, send payment details on the Workshop Manual by itself, and separate payment details for both manuals (not sure if major differences exist between UK and US Handbooks).. Thanks - Kelly.

Checking to see if any of the remaining Workshop and User manuals are for the U.S. If so, I will be happy to send payment for both manuals. Just provide details when convenient. Thanks.
Hi Workshop Manual is non country specific and applies to both LHD and RHD cars.
Handbook is U.K. version.

Let me know which your are interested in and I will send over payment details.