I took the liberty of typing up a transcript of the suspension-specific conversation from
TheSmokingTire Podcast interview with Matt Windle, Russell Carr, and Gavan Kershaw.
Matt Farah: [A question from] Ben Stahl - Can you go into detail on what the difference are between Touring and Sport suspension for the upcoming Emira?
Russell Carr: You've not been asked this at all before, Gav! (laughs)
Gavan Kershaw: Yes, I'm sympathetic [to] the guys who are on their configurators, because they're putting their deposit down and they're trying to order specs. So yeah, the Tour is, as we said, designed for people who do, probably, 90% of their ownership on highways and things like this, um, or are coming from a sports car that's a little bit more refined, so they're newer to the brand. And it'll come with the Goodyear tire on it as standard, so, wet weather, all the rest of it. But it is not soft. You can drive it in the canyon, and I can guarantee you're not going to feel body roll, things like this, it's just when you're... so it's got slightly less road noise, things like this, hub control, and the good thing is that the ride height's [the same], so the car physically doesn't sit any different, Tour and Sport.
Gavan Kershaw: So the Sport, gets the slightly different valve code inside, so the washers inside the damper, being simple, are different. The forces, how it builds up in the damper, and the spring rate, that's the only difference, we're trying to keep it sensible, like that. Um, and that comes with the Goodyear, but it's also tuned for the Cup 2 tire. So if people are, you know, weekend drivers, or they drive enthusiastically, or perhaps they're coming from a supercar back into sports cars, or they're used to quite a firm Exige, or something like this, then it's the car that suits them as well.
Gavan Kershaw: So, you're not getting short-changed on any other part of the car by not having the Sport, that was a conscious decision, that you don't have to tick the stiffer suspension to get a different style or a splitter or a spoiler, something like that, so the car's the same.
Matt Farah: Good tip. I would probably go Tour. I like some "give".
Gavan Kershaw: Yeah, a little bit of "give", and as you said, you know, the, the...
Matt Farah: I don't like to buy tires every 2,000 miles. (laughs)
Gavan Kershaw: And the tire's very good, and you know, here [in the US] freeway hop's a real issue as well isn't it, some of the broken surfaces.
Matt Farah: Do you have a replica of the 405? I suggest you build a replica of the 405. [referring to Interstate 405 in Los Angeles, famous for poor road surface due to extreme daily traffic loads]
Gavan Kershaw: Luckily the main road out of Norwich to London, they've never repaired, apart from really bad concrete patches. So, yeah we've got something similar to Detroit and the 405 now.
Matt Farah: Perfect! Yeah, yeah.