@NickR glad you got back ok, hope the 124 is a fun stop gap

The tour lead was very good, I think the Harrier jump jet comparison did lose me a little bit!
Paintwise - chaps, dont worry, ALL the colours look better in the flesh than you'd expect, Magma was (to me) the stand out colour that made me question Nimbus on mine. It looks nothing like the diecast model someone shared (jokingly!), the Ferrari Pista link is kind of close, but next to each other the Ferrari would look very flat and one dimensional compared to Magma.
@Eagle7 I dont know anything about paint tech, but having been on factory tours at Porsche, BMW, Ferrari, Lambo etc in the past (non seemed as enthused by their paint booths) Lotus is going to great lengths in their painting, its all brand new high tech robotic spraying - something to do with positive/negative charges, vortexes, state of the art were all words used. Its a newly built sealed area only 2 people are allowed in and they are dressed like its a nuclear leak. From what I understood they dont layer the paint / colours, its all mixed in the charged vortex as it comes out to give the perfect finish everytime. No humans do the painting.