I'm expecting to be told it'll be October at the earliest before my Emira arrvies. Not wanting to waste the little sunshine these isles get I'm thinking to get a gap car, something that will not loose value over 6 months (even with pending rate hikes!) and be fun to drive. It'd be a cash purchase, and ideally no more than 50k, and possibly considerably less.
Inviting suggestions! The key criteria is it must be fun, manual box, and hold its value. Totally open to ideas, bonkers to sane and anything between.
Obvious candidates:
- Jag F-Type V6 S
- obvious Cayman options
- 997 of some description, although I wonder if these have topped out
- just some old banger that'll be fun enough, an old Alfa spider or something like that
Inviting suggestions! The key criteria is it must be fun, manual box, and hold its value. Totally open to ideas, bonkers to sane and anything between.
Obvious candidates:
- Jag F-Type V6 S
- obvious Cayman options
- 997 of some description, although I wonder if these have topped out
- just some old banger that'll be fun enough, an old Alfa spider or something like that