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  • Hey fella, chance to win one of them cars you like, Revcomps.com. They don’t seem scammy, I won a Merc on there
    Twin Cam
    Twin Cam
    Hello again, Revcomps have a Nomad on now, £9 a ticket. Fingers crossed you keep dropping in on the forum even though the Emira’s not for you, you have certainly made it a more interesting place.
    Oooo will take a look at that. Xmas present to myself :)
    Thank you. Will definitely continue to drop in and see what unfolds. Emira is a lovely car. Look fwd to hearing about forum members ownership experiences and what modifications they make and have access to. You well? What is the latest on your car?
    Twin Cam
    Twin Cam
    I’m i4 Base. I have an S3 Elise, E class, the Emira fits between. I don’t care for electric seats/info screens, with Lotus I believe less is more. The Base appeals to me more and at a near £20k difference in price over the V6 FE believe it good value. Options. front park sensors/nimbus/interior depending on price, otherwise it’s Aspen White. But dependant on no price increase. Delivery Dec 23. Deposit pre reveal.
    Hi mate

    How are you all doing, any one got a car yet.... Have you heard of Supercar Blonde.... on facebook ? Youtube? If you feel like a chat , happy to send you my number
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