Recent content by brainf18

  1. brainf18

    The definitive Hawk Brake Pad guide, with Low dust option

    I have about 300 miles on the hawk ceramics now. ABSOLUTELY love them. Very low dust with much improved pedal feel and modulation. Not nearly as grabby as the stock pads.
  2. brainf18

    The definitive Hawk Brake Pad guide, with Low dust option

    Perfect fit. No issues whatsoever
  3. IMG_6735.webp


  4. brainf18

    Is it weird I like driving it a lot more than modern 911's?

    997.1 and Emria are the perfect mix. Both analog and both sooooo much fun to drive. Blonde and Brunette I suppose :cool:
  5. brainf18

    Limited Telematics

    Wireless carplay seems less buggy. Used to brick regularly but so far so good, so all the updates seemed to have helped in a few areas
  6. brainf18

    Limited Telematics

    Problem appears to be solved. I picked the car up from the dealer today (21 Mar 2025). Apparently several very large re-programming updates have been issued recently, one of which was issued by Lotus just last month. It took about 5-6 hours to complete all three module programs. The boxes...
  7. brainf18

    Emira Turbo (i4) Upgraded Exhaust Sound Clip

    it sounds broken....
  8. brainf18

    WindShield Skin Needs an Emira

    Unfortunately not...They just replied and said for anyone with an Emira to contact them
  9. brainf18

    Limited Telematics

    I'll post an update after the programming is finished to see if that solves the problem. But I'd rather just disable the entire telematics system. pointless in the USA
  10. brainf18

    Limited Telematics

    update from my dealer....They were able to repeat the fault and scanned for codes. With the warning triangle displayed the car showed no faults...Huh?. Now They want to proceed with installing several of the latest software updates to see if that cures the issue. Fingers crossed.
  11. brainf18

    WindShield Skin Needs an Emira

    They do make a generic one that has to be cut. It'd be nice if they had an Emira Specific product ready to install
  12. brainf18

    WindShield Skin Needs an Emira

    Any Sacramento or Golden Gate owner up for this? Could be a big help to all Emira owners.
  13. brainf18

    Limited Telematics

    My dealer tells me there are 4 software updates that need to be applied, one of which requires 3-4 hours of programing. They are hopeful its software, not hardware related...but the programming needs to be performed before any definitive analysis can be performed.
  14. brainf18

    Limited Telematics

    None of the recommended home remedies worked. Car went into the dealer yesterday to get this fixed once and for all. We'll see what they come back with as a solution.
  15. brainf18

    WindShield Skin Needs an Emira

    I contacted Windshield Skin (Rock repleant covering with clear Optics). They'd like to do an Emria specific product but don't have a car to reference. Anyone in the San Francisco / Sacramento areas that can let them measure your Emira windshield? Windshield Skin® | Bray Group International...