There are specialized repair shops for that but pricing really depends on the extent of damage and thr location of the shop. I have been lucky so far with the Emira but did have to repair one on my 911 once. Generally, in Florida something like your picture shows would run between $150.00 to...
For sure to both requests. I’m currently in Chile doing a wine tasting tour (tough life), but due to return to Miami early April so I’ll follow up then to coordinate with you.
I bought back then a new 2017 991.2 Carrera S and drove it for 7yrs. Before that I had a Boxster S. I owned the 911 together with the Emira for 9 months and sold it because I found myself always grabbing the Emira’s keys and the 911 just sat there in the garage collecting dust. I agree that the...
From what's been posted here so far, there may be different experiences of noises coming from different sources. The one I experienced sporadically, was a sometimes a lower and others louder poping sound when I opened the driver side door, and it seems to emanate from the OEM subwoofer. I...
Charlotte just e-mailed me today to ask if I had any issues with my 10mm spacers from them and I confirmed than none whatsoever, in other words they fit perfectly on my Emira and performance-wise produced no vibration whatsoever at any speed.
Ok. I think I figured out a workable solution and I'll share the result of my trial with you, but will have to be after I return from a 2 week vacation starting this Wednesday.
I had a similar problem, although it was a smaller spot on my right side lower rocker sill. The PPF installer wasn't happy with his first installation attempt, and when he removed the film, a chip of paint came attached to it and left that white undercoat showing. He had an auto paint...
Hi @Rayjoedef
The 10mm ones I had them special ordered directly from the seller in the UK. Check out my August 17, 2024 post on the thread "12mm spacers, seems a bit much on front" where you'll find the order process information I posted back then. Hope this helps.