Recent content by Eagle7

  1. Eagle7

    Emira Exhaust Upgrade?

    Unfortunately as far as I know it's the only way to sync the valve with the car. Does your car need any software updates? Maybe just plan a day trip for it. The closest dealer to me is 5 hours away, and that's what I did to take care of software updates and the water shield for the front...
  2. Eagle7

    Emira Exhaust Upgrade?

    Take it to your dealer. There's a valve calibration procedure that a dealer can do to fix that.
  3. Eagle7

    GRP Intake Shootout Dyno Testing!

    The ECU learns and makes adjustments over time. When I installed the Eventuri intake, I drove the car for almost 2 weeks before getting a dyno run. I had already done a baseline run sometime before with the car completely stock, so I had something to compare to. I consistently gained 15+ hp...
  4. Eagle7

    RacingBrake Carbon Ceramic Rotor Install

    They came in because I asked them to. Like I said, I've done business with them a long time. I asked Warren (the owner) if he had anything CCB-wise for the Emira, sent him a picture of my car, and he looked into it right away. He said he needed a car to look at, so I posted that request in...
  5. Eagle7

    RacingBrake Carbon Ceramic Rotor Install

    If you change to stronger brake pads, that's going to change the bias. If you change to stickier tires, that's going to change the bias. For a car that weighs over 3,000 lbs, this just isn't going to make a dramatic change in the bias. What I'm looking forward to is a more linear braking...
  6. Eagle7

    RacingBrake Carbon Ceramic Rotor Install

    I asked about them coming in and commenting and this is what they said: "It's perfectly alright to adopt to front big rotors w/o any concern but as you know "anything is debatable" on forums. This is part of the reason we can't participate as it can consume a lot of our time yet prove or...
  7. Eagle7

    RacingBrake Carbon Ceramic Rotor Install

    Honestly I'm surprised at the animosity here. I'm not trying to justify anything. I've been a customer of RB for 15 years, and they've always been great to deal with, and I've never had any issues with their products. I trust their advice since they've been building and supplying custom brake...
  8. Eagle7

    RacingBrake Carbon Ceramic Rotor Install

    Did you look at the link to the McLaren forum about the RB CCB brakes? Good stuff.
  9. Eagle7

    RacingBrake Carbon Ceramic Rotor Install

    RB got back to me, and this is what they said: "A larger rotor will increase the brake torque but it doesn't change the brake bias. Emira's front rotor increase to 380 is following the same upgrade path as Porsche 997 in which 997.2 front rotor was oversized to 380 from 997.1's 350mm, while the...
  10. Eagle7

    Lotus logo download

    It's compressed as a .zip file. You'll have to uncompress it first. The site can't accept an EPS file.
  11. Eagle7

    Lotus logo download

    What program are you looking at it with? Do you need an .eps file instead?
  12. Eagle7

    Lotus logo download

    That's just the preview. It's a vector graphic PDF file. It will hold resolution at any size.
  13. Eagle7

    Lotus logo download

  14. Eagle7

    Lotus logo download

    Here ya go. It's a PDF file so it will scale up or down without losing quality.
  15. Eagle7

    Radar Reflexivity?

    I remember reading years back that it's the front firewall that actually generates the most radar reflection on low profile cars.