Recent content by GRP

  1. GRP

    3rd Cat Delete and Valve Controller Opinion

    What was the code? Are you sure it wasnt an EVAP leak code? These have been semi common on the Emira's. A decat can't possibly cause a CEL. It is past all sensors in the exhaust stream (by quite a bit of tubing) There is no chance a o2 sensor could pick up on a exhaust leak back at the...
  2. GRP

    Aerie...the ghost retailer

  3. GRP

    Aerie...the ghost retailer

    I can measure the standard ones but they seem plenty large to me, larger than say the paddles on a 3RS or similar sized to Mclaren paddles.
  4. GRP

    Aerie...the ghost retailer

    They are the same exact thing just without their big large blades installed -- we sell them as they come from JQ Madtrace. We are U.S. based and answer the phone/email :-)
  5. GRP

    🏆 EPOTM Contest February 2025 - Emira Photo of the Month starts now! Get your entries and vote in here!

    This is all our own in house brand parts on our shop car. The rear spoiler looks similar but the skirts and splitter are very different.
  6. GRP

    📓 Journals Adding Lightness

    Those are not from us although we do have titanium lug bolts coming soon -- extended length with floating seats like the oem bolts have.
  7. GRP

    Instagram accounts

    @gregsraceparts We dont post as often as we should but try to share some cool stuff as much as possible.
  8. GRP

    Limited alignment adjustments

    We have some adjustable upper arms in the works for the Emira. Not positive of end price yet but we will post details as we make progress. These will be a much easier to adjust design vs the ones from China that require you to unbolt the hub carrier every time you need to make an adjustment.
  9. GRP

    Lotus Emira Key Fob cases - initial run

    We are happy to be stocking these items for NA customers! We will be getting more of the missing colors in as soon as they are ready.
  10. GRP

    Instant weight loss and no strict diet with Tillett Seats!

    We have a stock seat here to dissect since Lotus wont sell the parts on their own. The problem is that it isnt a simple voltage signal that needs to be reproduced or a resistance trick like most cars. Lotus has the weight sensor converted to a digital signal to be sent to the SRS unit and...
  11. GRP

    The definitive Hawk Brake Pad guide, with Low dust option

    We do sell the ceramic EBC pads already but we can get Hawks as well. Just shoot me an email.
  12. GRP

    Instant weight loss and no strict diet with Tillett Seats!

    We were trying to get parts from Lotus to make it happen for the passenger side but they finally came back with "we can no longer sell the individual components, you will need to order a complete seat which will include everything" So we are now trying to get with an electrical engineer to help...
  13. GRP

    Lowered My Emira

    Fwiw and before false info is spread here: There is no possible way for the suspension to “settle” and decrease the static gap between the bottom spring perch and the CV boot. It’s a fixed mechanical setting. If the perch made contact or “shredded” a CV boot adequate clearance was not set...
  14. GRP

    BEST 3rd Cat Delete (for USA customer)

    The only way it could is if the testing station person knows to look (and knows where to look) for the third cat but thats still not something you can see easily when the car is fully assembled. The third cat is unmonitored so it cant possibly cause any cel by deleting it.