I did 277 km/h (displayed) and did not even flat out yet due to safety and my exit was approaching too fast obviously. (No decline)
I am sure she would have reached the 290 km/h (displayed).
We were two in the car and shopping stuff in the trunk.
Pitty that I had no time to test it.
I just started to speed up casually at the end of the speed limit as traffic allowed on that day to see what speed I can reach to my exit. It is a pretty short distance.
I drove her several times around 260 km/h, a speed she reaches easily. No need to put the pedal to the metal.
Before I go on I need to say I love my Emira but she is not build for high speeds.
She is build for twisties and the track, extrem good cornering and fast acceleration with good breaking.
At speeds of around 230 km/h she is getting nervous already and super nervous above 250 km/h you need to concentrate. In my BMW I can fiddle around at the radio and listen to music at that speed. Would never do it in the Emira.
...... and for the sound freaks out there, do not take it wrong, but if you drive such speeds the engine is just screaming and shouting at you from the back like there is no tomorrow. Just because of the noise you will slow down after a couple of minutes.
It is different if you accelerate and briefly touch around 6000 rpm, sounds great, but constant above 6000 rpm, you will not like it. I guess much better if you wear a helmet, which brings me back to track capabilities mentioned earlier.
Fuel consumption no need to mention. It is clear the time you make up through speed you loose hundred times at the next petrol station.
On my normal longer day drives I only rev her to around 4000 rpm and keep her below 4000 because of noise comfort. As well above 4000 rpm you would exceed the speed limits all the time.
On the autobahn she is very comfortable at 4000 rpm at around 185 km/h. Quiet, fair fuel consumption, still a good and safe cruising speed and in Germany more less "flow" with the traffic as most of the cars do around 160 km/h.
Conclusion, I believe she can do the 290 km/h (GPS) in right condition on a long stretch, but it is theoretical at the end as almost no one one will do it ever anyway, and it is not comfortable at all. It would not feel right for the EMIRA. She is designed for other means. ..... for our normal road drive and a couple of days on a track.
Hope this information is useful.