I thought it may be interesting to post pictures of the car in different light. It's the same car, all photos taken with the same iPhone, in the same place. Maybe something to do with the phone and auto white balance. Perhaps I should have done it the the DSLR with the same WB setting? However, in real life the car does look different in different light, which for me is part of it's attraction.
As far as driving, I've not driven it yet in snow and ice, but I have 16 years of Elise driving and some of that was daily, through the winter. The traction is far better than you might think, largely because you have a heavy weight over the rear wheels. Driving it carefully, Ive never had a problem with the Elise and I doubt the Emira will be vastly different. However, I think the wider tyres on the Emira may make it more of a handful in the snow. Since you can feel what's going on through the steering, it helps to keep the car pointed in the right direction.
As for all weather care, the car normally lives in the garage, but the Elise is in there until I sell it, so this is the first time it's been "outside". The main thing is, "it's a car, not a garage queen". Drive it, get it dirty. Clean it. Repeat. Cars benefit from being driven.