Had seen none in the wild until a few days ago (seeing people test driving them near the dealership doesn't count

), then came across two in the last few days!
Howdy to the owner of a Dark Verdant w. diamond-cut wheels who was heading along Abingdon Road into the middle of Oxford on Saturday morning

(I was on a bus with the kids, so you would not have seen me in The Seneca Menace this time!

Also howdy to the owner of what I think was a sparkly new Meridian w. ice-grey interior, with a fairly memorable plate number, that was parked outside Auto Wax Works in Silverstone

(dropped in to pick up my old wheels - this is where I got my my PPF and ceramic done and wheels changed over, and the service from Sam and the gang there is great

Didn't take a picture of either, as it really isn't my first instinct to reach for my phone when something interesting happens... I just feel weird about the idea of waving a camera at people/events rather than just taking it in there and then