I've always been skeptical of the "listen everyone, if our company is ever going to survive then we need to expand into SUV sales!" cop-out that so many sports car companies have parroted over the years, and this article confirms my suspicions. Porsche, Aston Martin, Bugatti, and even Pagani are now all expanding into branded ultra-luxury real estate developments, with Porsche having once again paved the way with their Porsche Design tower in Miami.
I guess in one sense, this is just the free market at work and so I can't be mad at it. I suppose it's no different than Ferrari slapping their logo onto every hat, t-shirt, lanyard, keychain, mug, laptop, & bicycle under the sun — this is just the next avenue of expansion for these companies, and I get that. But don't tell me that any sportscar company "has to" sell SUVs, or ultra-luxury condo buildings. They're doing it because Porsche did it first and made a boatload of cash doing so, and now everyone else wants their own boatload of cash too. Simple as that.