You’re very correct about all you say mate.
The biggest issue for me is the extremely poor communication from Lotus and the average or changing information or lack there off. I truly want to see them succeed but I feel they are trying to run before they even walk per say and getting it wrong along the way.
In business you can no longer fake it till you make it. Customers will take $$$ elsewhere that Simple.
Thanks and agree with most of what you say. I think Lotus themselves have been taken by surprise by the demand, which is what many people call a "good problem" but it's still a problem nonetheless.
Rapidly scaling EVERYTHING to meet the demand is far from easy and I've no doubt Lotus will lose some deposit holders through not being able to adapt quickly enough.
Supply chain factory, training, testing, operations, sales, marketing, PR, aftersales, branding and design and senior mgmt will all be running very hard indeed to resize the business to suit and will simply not be able to adapt everything as quickly as they would like.
It may also be the case that people who buy from other brands are used to different types of CX (customer experience) and launches and if the Lotus experience does not float anyone's boat then only they can decide what they want to do next and no-one can judge anyone for that, it's a personal call.
I want the whole buying experience to be as enjoyable and rewarding as possible and, like you and many others I am hungry for more information, although Laura at Parks Lotus has been great.
I am hopeful that a lot of things will become clearer in the next few weeks, but i have decided I am fully committed and am prepared to cut them a bit of slack, within reason.
So, a bit more information, as you said, would be great but i also dont want them to make the mistake of caving in under pressure and making commitments they cant honour - a greater sin in my book.
We are all lucky people to have such "first world problems" to worry about!