What a shame

. It would seem we have gone from a best case delay of 2 weeks and potentially still July delivery for those who were currently down for July delivery, to a best/medium case (manual of course *for the drivers haha) delay of about 6 weeks and auto, presumably to well over 2 months and maybe even 3?
Reading between the lines, hardly anyone on here (probably no one) will now get their car in July and in fact not too many will get their cars in August. If Tom no. 20 is getting his mid august (probably), then the rest of us who were July will be lucky to get ours in August at all, but I am hopeful, well loosely hopeful, well not very hopeful, actually without hope.
It would seem to me (what a bad way to start a paragraph, the same way as starting the first), even with CS there at the show, kindly giving revised dates to those who go to the show (I cant), that there are still no actual dates and the suppliers in question still cant guarantee anything with any certainty, not Lotus's fault of course.
I feel very sorry for lotus; what a shame with such a nice car, such a lot of interest, and now, such a lot of bad luck.
Undoubtedly the boss wont want to come out and say most people will see a further 2 month delay, but I think thats what needs to happen. Then if you get your car at 6 weeks or 5, well great... but at least he is preparing us. This would be better than another vague email, with approximate hopeful dates that will get pushed back again.
Many with August plans, like myself, have to now change them. I will technically be leaving the country without having received my car at all, but well, thats life.... there are many in worse situations than us privileged Emira customers, and I don't look forward to all the whining posts on here and rude cancellation notes, thinking its just Lotus doing this, ITS NOT, its world wide and not just for cars.
thanks for the update
if someone wants to ask for an update on my car, Im all willing to share private details, bank details, passport, previous wives, family history, back to the potato famine ....