I know the following is somewhat of a detour, but the above remark bothers me for some reason. Nobody on here doubts that Matt is a nice guy. Or rather, nobody cares. Because when it comes down to it, we're his customers, not his buddies. All that matters is how well he runs the company, not how humble or what a nice guy he is. What consolation is if for an Emira owner whose car has been in the shop for the last 3 months to hear that Matt is actually a really nice guy? Or what consolation is it to all the forum members who've complained (rightly so) about Lotus' poor communication / customer support, or about Lotus reneging on their price promise, to hear that Matt is really humble? It's irrelevant. Fix my car, tell me when my damn order is shipping, and keep your promises.
Sorry I know that this harsh rant came out of nowhere. It's just that there's so much valid criticism and feedback that forum members have been providing to Lotus, and it often feels like it falls on deaf ears. And so it's especially annoying to hear that after one lucky customer had the serendipitous chance to spend a few hours of one-on-one time with the boss, that the main takeaway was that he's a "really nice guy". I would've rather heard that he spent the 3 hours apologising to you and Emira customers everywhere on behalf of Lotus, and promising to make things better.