You`ve done better than me. I`ve never known a company to work so hard to destroy customer confidence and belief in a brand.
I`ve had enough this week after trying to get through to customer care team as web chat couldn`t help. Over 6 hours in total on hold, 6 voicemails left as you can`t` hold longer than 30 minutes and 7 call-backs attempted via their I`ll call you back service. Oh and 2 emails ignored.
Was due a November build but that would probably slip as i can`t get hold of CC to ask questions to confirm my configuration.
I`m done and i`m out, requesting my deposit back tomorrow. I was an advocate of the brand, this has destroyed my confidence in Lotus to deliver when i need them. On reflection i`m surprised it took me this long, if this was any other company i`d stopped using them a long time ago.