I asked on the tour and the guide specifically went and found me the answer, which was no.
It appears the ride height difference is just due to slightly different tire sizes (advertised tire sizes are rounded off).
Remember that Lotus is setting these cars up for safe handling and fuel...
Here is an old autocross trick to find your track tire pressures:
There are small triangles around the outside edge of the tread that point to the wear bars. They are also conveniently located at the seam between the tread and sidewall. Rub some chalk along the shoulder of each tire in several...
Great to know that the stock height is adjustable!
Just so everyone is clear, 10mm change on the shock is more that 10mm at the wheel. You would need to measure the lower control arm and do the ratio to get the exact change.
That ride height looks so much better though, like it looks in the...
So what your saying is, it doesn't just look like a supercar, it also costs supercar money and Lotus just subsidized it for me? 😬
From my observation. Lotus doesn't seem to care about profitability. They are running 4 shifts a WEEK at the factory, and have no interest in high margin options...
The deductible is 10%? Ten thousand dollars of damage before it pays anything!!? No, that is just a straight ripoff. The risk/reward is not balanced. That is nearly a years worth of insurance cost to cover one hour on track. Take that money and put it in a jar for track damage and you will be...
One of the reasons timing is strictly prohibited at HPDE events is to keep it "non-competitive" which in theory keeps your insurance coverage. You may end up paying a lawyer to argue that for you. Good luck even getting the full fine print of your actual coverage. I have asked for it many...
That is likely the tool for getting air out of the ABS module. If you are flushing the brakes normally (same procedure for any car) this is not an issue. You need two people to do it the traditional way, or one if you buy one of the many different kinds of assistance tools. The most popular...
The clutch is not toyota. I was surprised at how small the clutch plate is for a 400hp car. I think all the accessories are toyota, as the engine comes complete and then they strip off and throw away everything they want to change. Once warranties start running out, this site could use a...
This has me wondering if Lotus uses the standard toyota alternator, or some exotic european thing. Toyota parts is one of the advantages of this car over a porsche.
The battery only starts the car and then the alternator takes over. It is the alternator, or some other component of the charging system.
I would also push for a new battery to be replaced under warranty bc repeatedly draining it dead wrecks it capacity.
All cars in Europe and especially the UK depreciate rapidly compared to the US. I would love to know why. I have always just assumed that the high proportion of expensive to maintain European cars just brings down the whole market.
Many racing fluids are rated DOT3/DOT4. I've always assumed this is to make it clear to consumers that it is compatible with their cars. They can label it that way because those only indicate a minimum standard and they are way above it. High temp fluid of your choice is a good answer. Off...
It is slightly more hydroscopic, but the "wet" boiling point remains much higher. Fluid can and does get boiled on track days. The car comes with street optimised fluid, just like it comes with street optimised pads. DOT3&4 are meant to last years until the first brake pad change on a street...
The point is that there is no downside, you can't have overkill on temp margin. When it is time to change the fluid, spend one extra dollar and upgrade to 5.1. Race fluids are even better, but the cost ramps up exponentially.
I tracked it at the factory, and started smoking the brakes after about 10 minutes. The instructor made me do a cooldown lap mid session. If you push hard it will need higher temp brake pads and DOT5.1 fluid is always a good idea. Thankfully the AP hardware seem plenty big and there are lots...
Zinc looks like primer. Its, not my favorite, but it is a trendy color right now, although I only saw one at the factory. Just use Porsche logic: bad colors, become rare colors, that become valuable colors. (y)
I haven’t received my car yet, but the adapter doesn’t add much height unless you want it to (it’s adjustable) maybe half an inch at the lowest setting.
I have a similar one on my FRS that I’m planning to swap over. It clears the stock plastic reverse lockout just fine. I didn’t want to buy their lockout as it’s metal and defeats the purpose of getting rid of the metal shift knob.
I did the "tailored advanced", which was neither tailored nor advanced. I actually skipped the morning activities and joined into the tour and was happy that I did. The heritage collection was amazing and the factory tour helped me settle on a color.
There were two manual V6 cars, no auto or...
After doing the track day at the factory I can confirm that the stock pads are pretty good but not quite up to aggressive track use. Hopefully a good compromise pad can be found without going to a full race pad.
The stock rotors are also a weird single piece bi-metal design that I have never...
It appeared to me on a recent factory tour that they are building all versions at the same time now. I hope so because I have a V6 manual on order and if they have stopped making those my wait will be even longer.