“Bricked” after Brake Fault

Exactly the same problem for me - happened immediately after picking up car from recall service & now another 2 times. Anyone managed to fix this?
Before going in never been a problem. Also since recall visit the fan no longer comes on when you unlock the car. After locking the car the rear lights stay lit up red for ages. Definitely no water issue - stored in garage
Yes - it happen to me - and I know it has happened to others - I am told the "Parking Brake Service" issue is when the system fails to communicate with the brakes - it throws an error code and will prevent the car starting. I was in a public car park. Had to phone my SIL to pick me up and take me to the hardware store to get a set of spanners and screwdrivers so I could disconnect the neutral. By the time I got back (about 35 mins) I unlocked the car and it started first time!!!. So the fix is a) I now carry a 10mm wrench to disconnect the neutral or b) lock the car and wait 10 mins and it will reset the ECU. It has only done it once to me. I suspect an upcoming version of the software will resolve this issue.
Boys, I really want to buy one of these but wtaf?
I have owned VW,GM, Ford, Chrysler, Range Rover, Skoda and Subaru to name a few. I have also owned a Lotus for 23 years. My V6 Exige and this Emira are still considered the most reliable cars I have owned. If I have to sit and have a coffee while this issue resolved itself then it doesn't trouble me. The benefits of driving the car outweighs this minor issue. Lotus will resolve the issue with software updates.
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