🏆 EPOTM Contest 2025 is here! January 2025 - Emira Photo of the Month starts now! Get your entries and vote in here!

That's one of the companies I looked at. Did you call and tell them you had an Emira or did you just order the ferrari ones?
Is yours Black matte with an anthracite outline?
I have not placed any orders with this company. Therefore, I have not provided this company with any information about EMIRA.
I have a cutting machine, so I created the cutting data for the stripe stickers myself, chose the sheet color myself, and made and pasted down the stripe stickers myself.
The color of the stripes I created uses a "silver metallic" sheet as the base color.
I created it by layering a "dark gray metallic" sheet 5mm narrower on both sides of that sheet.
The sheet I used is a 3M cutting sheet.

I have not placed any orders with this company. Therefore, I have not provided this company with any information about EMIRA.
I have a cutting machine, so I created the cutting data for the stripe stickers myself, chose the sheet color myself, and made and pasted down the stripe stickers myself.
The color of the stripes I created uses a "silver metallic" sheet as the base color.
I created it by layering a "dark gray metallic" sheet 5mm narrower on both sides of that sheet.
The sheet I used is a 3M cutting sheet.

Nice job with the whole project! My goal is to install the CT Carbon fiber body kit and the JUBU swan neck rear wing.
The stripe kit you designed would compliment my vision perfectly.
I would greatly appreciate if you decide to change your mind and send me the same stickers and I can pay you in any form you would like. The other companies use 3M so the quality shouldn't be an issue.
Otherwise, is it possible to post the technical information on specifications so I can forward them to a printing company to have them made? Thank you, my friend, and good luck with everything else!

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