911T vs Emira

The 911T is really interesting, however at 50% more cost than an Emira, it loses appeal for me. On a related note, although my local dealer is friendly enough, it is of no help if you cannot get an allocation for anything interesting (911T, Cayman GTS4.0, etc). Sure, I can buy a used one, but why should I have to? I like that any normie (like me) with enough money can walk in off of the street to purchase as Emira.
The 911T is really interesting, however at 50% more cost than an Emira, it loses appeal for me. On a related note, although my local dealer is friendly enough, it is of no help if you cannot get an allocation for anything interesting (911T, Cayman GTS4.0, etc). Sure, I can buy a used one, but why should I have to? I like that any normie (like me) with enough money can walk in off of the street to purchase as Emira.
This is the same reason I bought an Emira over a GTS 4.0. No ADM and I got to spec it.

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