Komo-tec recent unveiled their KT-7Forged wheel offering for the Emira. More info, pics, and pricing on
their website.
Our new Forged Wheel for Emira is unique and aspecially designed for the Light-Is-Right-Philosophy of Lotus by lowering rotating masses.
View attachment 21094
Set consists of:
2x Rims front: 8,5 x 20"; weight: 10,5 kg/wheel (Forged Factory-Spec: 11,5 kg/wheel)
2x Rims rear: 10,0 x 20"; weight: 11,3 kg/wheel (Forged Factory-Spec: 13,2 kg/wheel)
So this is a total of 5.8 kgs (~12. 8lbs) savings!
The wheel is available in silver.