I don't expect this would be a simple garage fix. They have to contact the OEM supplier, work out what the fix is going to be, re-negotiate the terms for credit/exchange, then wait for the OEM supplier to make the new parts in the quantities ordered by Lotus.My Emira was due in to Silverstone to replace the resistor pack next week (w/c 11th March '24). Got a call from Silverstone today saying that they had not been able to get hold of the part from Lotus so my booking was being shifted in to April when they hoped they might have the part. The "hope" part came from the fact that they went on to say that Lotus was no longer sending out any replacement parts and there was no date when the replacement parts would arrive. There was a view that this was potentially because they were re-engineering the part and there was no point in replacing the part when it would break again.
This is bonkers. A problem affecting most (eventually) Emiras that makes them undrivable except on a not too cold, hot, rainy day (not many of them in the UK!) when the fans aren't needed is not being addressed quickly and as a consequence leaving Emira drivers with, in essence, a nice looking brick.
I love my Emira, I'm fortunate I have another car I could drive this winter, but this waiting is really a wind-up. Come on Lotus, sort it out!
Has anyone taken it in to their own hands and got a 3rd party mechanic to take a look and try and solve it in the meantime? I guess that would invalidate the warranty, but might eleviate a considerable amount of anger and frustration!
Obviously they're working on it. Hopefully this will be resolved as soon as possible.