Anyone get the invite to test drive this weekend in Austin?

I think this is being aimed at deposit holders with orders in months 1-3 for delivery as the first priority. The full time demo cars should be at the NA dealers in Nov/Dec, so this set of temporary cars is an in-fill until they arrive. It's down to dealers who to invite, so that principle may not be universally applied.
That’s me, my sales person called and I am getting 20 to 30mins in a grey Emira with sports suspension… can’t wait. It will be the first time I see one live🎉
I did drive lotus Evora GT last month in California so I will have that and a Porsche GTS to compare against…
Dealer told me that I should be get my. Car in March 😀 2023 Hope it’s worth the wait!
Reached out to my salesperson at Bellevue, they don’t have any info about tour dates yet. Will update if I hear anything.

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