Auto100 - UK Trader in Sutton in Ashfield

I think it might have been due to the Q4 financial statement and the comments within. They wanted rid of the cars on THEIR Books, so got rid of them at a cheap price to a non-Franchised dealership, so they no longer had anything to do with Lotus. Legallly, they had sold them.
Geez, you are right. They booked the revenue and assumed some nominal "warranty" liability.
I suspect going forward Geely is going to put a stop to typical Lotus over supply. The sales agency model disaster was run by the team at Hethel, so this can squarely fall on their shoulders. In China they have maintained the agency / direct to customer model. Lotus has a history of over building cars based on the demand - which usually resulted in heavy discounts, even on new Lotus cars. However, with new Lotus (sports cars from UK) now being sold in A LOT more areas (India, China / GCC) than before and a lot more stores, I do think Hethel's 4K-5K per year (max) output will almost always be in line with demand. I don't think we will see a huge amount of Emira's for sale at dealers by end of this year as they try to sort out the demand vs supply.

Has anyone else noticed that none of the UK youtube's have reviewed the new i4 Emira?

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