Brakes squeaking after 5,000 miles


Emira Fanatic
Dec 31, 2023
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Anyone else have this? I garage my car, hardly ever drive in the rain (unless I get caught in it somehow).. and now my brakes are squealing when I come to a stop (but only when I am going slow to a stop).

Any thoughts?

Ryan G
1200 miles. Have had squeaking at very low speed. I was told it’s normal.
Slotted rotors are good for refreshing pad surface during a good hard stop. Is there a difference in squeak before/after a hard stop?
Anyone else have this? I garage my car, hardly ever drive in the rain (unless I get caught in it somehow).. and now my brakes are squealing when I come to a stop (but only when I am going slow to a stop).

Any thoughts?

Ryan G
Mine can squeak a little at very low speeds, more so since I went with Endless pads (but they did it slightly on OEM pads too).

It isn’t a big issue for me personally, but I can understand it could be annoying.

I am talking a fairly quiet squeak, it’s not very loud and it’s when almost at a stop.
I think it’s normal for these brakes. Hard stop can help, but I think most people will have some squeal at some point.

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