Cleaning yellow Calipers

Brave man!

I wouldn’t recommend that if you have the upper black pack. I think a car wash would, in the words of my father, “scratch the fool out of the paint”.

Kudos to you for treating it like an object and not a baby!
I have a track record of trading my cars in every 2 to 3 years. With that in mind they all go through the car wash.
I have a track record of trading my cars in every 2 to 3 years. With that in mind they all go through the car wash.
Don't take this the wrong way, but you sir are a monster... :p

Don't take this the wrong way, but you sir are a monster... :p

Lol, I've been called worse.
A few a my cars that slide through the car wash on a weekly basis.
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Another vote for ceramic coating. Had mine done when new by a professional and, whilst they still get dirty, they clean really easily with just ordinary car shampoo, sort wheel brush and detail brush.

Oh and taking your car through a car wash? Well if I did that I'd have to sell mine every two or three years as I couldn't live with the paint damage!
Recently got wheel ceramic coat from ammo nyc for $95. Was super easy to apply. Really just need to be thorough and get the wheels and calipers squeaky clean. It makes cleaning them SO easy. All I need is very little agitation and a power washer and the dirt comes right off.
There are paint jobs and then there are paint jobs. I think some cars would stand up to a carwash with nary a problem.

I love my Emira, I just don’t trust that it would fare well in an automated carwash.
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