We could curate the list here. At one point @TomE was putting together some data just to get insights on timing and quantities.sure.. here is one.. COMPLETE visibility to the lists, where people were in line and maybe someone other than the individual dealers manage the phone calls to confirm orders. It's 700 phone calls for god sake.. I have a call center that makes 4000 calls per week with less than 35 people.. Not hard.
Lotus could have easily handled that with a little technology and an outsourced call center. it's a simple database and maybe a third party to manage the lists as they were created from the dealers. The issue here is all dealers got to make their own rules on deposits, how they "tracked" it etc. They "registered" them but all that served was so Lotus could gauge interest.
We have no way to know where we are ACTUALLY in the list with the dealer.. We have no way to know if anyone ahead of us ACTUALLY dropped out (if they even did).
Unified Registration process
Third Party Verification and Confirmation
Unified Deposit Amounts and process
Pretty fricken easy to me..
1. Customer calls or visits dealer
2. Dealer Registers while customer is there and takes first Deposit
3. Dealer and Customer sign binding purchase agreement (legally locking in price)
4. Customer gets actual Confirmation number and email stating where they are in line.
5. Lotus Allocates however they want to each dealer (dont care)
6. Third Party starts calling each customer and letting them know they have a car.
7. Customer decides if they want the car
8a. If yes / Second Deposit (non refundable) is taken from third party and customer is informed on next steps
8b. If no / Customer first deposit it refunded and the spot is now open and the next person in line is called.
Overall not that hard to manage the lists and not let the dealers use the lists and shift them around to the highest bidder.
We could put a US list together from this forum and others fairly quickly.
Just wait. Once people get their cars they’ll spill the beans on all the info.
Then we will know who did shady sh!t.