Default Audio


Nov 1, 2023
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Hey All, I've been trying to adjust the infotainment to my liking, so I have recently disabled wireless AA as the intermmitence and disconnections are very annoying, so when I plug in it will do a stable connection, which is perfect for me.

But I dont always need to plug in AA and sometimes just prefer relying on regular BT audio, my issue here is that whenever I turn on the car and look at media, it always has the FM radio as a default, my wife's car and my previous 911 (911.2) would also default to bluetooth and start audio or at least be ready to play as soon as I hit play on my phone. Here I need to open up the media, switch to BT and select "use this device"

I am wondering if there is anyway to default it to media Bluetooth or something like that? I've cycled the settings and cannot find this anywhere

Thanks in advance
Wish I knew... I have the same issues with AA disconnecting non stop..
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I have completely turned of wireless so the cable connection is definitely superior, but I hate how audio always defaults to radio

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