Did anyone get a message from Lotus showing it in Black.

Got an email from Lotus with my reference number. The interesting item in the email was this Black Emira, yes give us that color, it would be my pick over the yellow/ black roof that I configured online.

I would definitely have chosen black had it been an option. I think Emira would look amazing in black.
Save a few quid on black pack as well. That’s one of the reasons I went with Black on my macan because I didn’t have to pay extra to have the trim painted body colour 🤓
So hard to keep looking nice. Never getting a black car again.
However - when clean and mint... they can look incredible.

I;d have to see one in the flesh. It might not work with the use of black on the car.
Black doesn;t work with the Ferraris that the Emira resembles.

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