Dying or coloring stitches

Emira Fan

Emira Fan
Dec 4, 2023
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When ordering the car I wanted yellow stitches but wasn't interested in alcantara seats. Wish they offered alcantara surfaces; except the seats...awayway.
Watching clips on changing the stitch color. Some people use fabric paint markers others use markers.
Has anyone undertaken this on any of their cars?

If so what product did you use? (figure the product needs to be UV stable).
How long did last?

clip of a person trying various products-

Should I just leave alone -- ?
I am in the same boat. I was very frustrated that I couldn't get contrast stitching in my all leather interior.
Why can they sew a piece of Alcantara and leather together with yellow stitch, but not sew two pieces of leather together with yellow stitch? 🤷🏻
I'm considering dying my white stitching a blue color to go with an overall theme I have in mind.
Keep us updated on what you decide to do, and what products you end up using.
I am in the same boat. I was very frustrated that I couldn't get contrast stitching in my all leather interior.
Why can they sew a piece of Alcantara and leather together with yellow stitch, but not sew two pieces of leather together with yellow stitch? 🤷🏻
I'm considering dying my white stitching a blue color to go with an overall theme I have in mind.
Keep us updated on what you decide to do, and what products you end up using.
I used food colouring to great affect on a porsche 991, i wanted a red stitch it lasted very well for years until i traded it in.

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