Earliest delivery?


Mar 24, 2022
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What's the earliest delivery that's been promised to folks? I'm eager to see photos and videos of the production car taken by real humans (and not pr/marketing departments). Hopefully folks on this forum will deliver when they get their cars 😉
As of yesterday, demo cars available in May.....so press test in May or late April is possible. First customer deliveries in June.
Demo in May would be great - was this info from customer services? Last exchange I had with them about 3 or 4 weeks ago they were suggesting demos before June were unlikely. Really hoping I can at least sit in a production car before making the final financial commitment for my June delivery.
Feels like customer delivery times have slipped by 1-2 months? In the early days, there was talk of the first UK customer cars arriving in March/April ("early Spring") but now I get the sense it will be late May or early June.
At Goodwood last year I was told first deliveries late April/early May was the target, which aligned with the "spring" official statement. First deliveries are now in June. However, they will be building and stockpiling cars before then, so June will be a bigger batch than a normal month.

So yes, first customers are seeing a 1-2 month delay (not too bad given everything happening in the world over the last year) but by August they will have caught up and will still deliver the planned total number of cars in 2022.
Demo in May would be great - was this info from customer services? Last exchange I had with them about 3 or 4 weeks ago they were suggesting demos before June were unlikely. Really hoping I can at least sit in a production car before making the final financial commitment for my June delivery.
Yes, customer services and management.

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