Eibach Lowering Spring Development Opportunity


Emira Fanatic
Feb 1, 2023
Reaction score
Over The Moon
Anyone in the SoCal area interested in helping Eibach to develop a lowering spring for the Emira?

Currently the Emira is not a car on their list, but I called and confirmed that If there is interest they can develop a lowering spring. They need a car for a few days and once done you will receive a free set of lowering springs. To start the process, just have to fill out the form in the link below.

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I'm actually want to install a suspension lift in my emira because LA has so many potholes, dips, and speed bumps, a nightmare from my front end 😅
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I know a member has already submitted the form. Would not hurt to get a few people up call and show there is demand for springs.
I know a member has already submitted the form. Would not hurt to get a few people up call and show there is demand for springs.
Not sure if the proposal is to promote Eibach to make shorter springs for the Emira, but if so, what is the envisioned advantage versus the current lowering solution of the GRP sleeves? Is it cost, weight saving, further height reduction, ride dynamics/ride quality, a combination of these, or is it something else? I would imagine that there ought to be convincing upsides to go for shorter springs in order to forgo the sleeves' virtue of adjustibility.

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