Emira Custom Plates

Will there even be a “2022”?

Isn’t it a “2023” technically?

…asking for a friend. ;)
In the UK Emiras registered between 1st March 2022 through to the end of August 2022 will be XX22 XXX, then from 1 September 2022 to end Feb 2023 they will be XX72 XXX.

There used to be one date but above was done to help spread out new car purchases I believe.
DVLA certificate for my reg just arrived...

EMI3RA (EMIERA) reads phonetically the same as EMIRA, V for V6 of course!
emira reg 01.png

Went for something very similar...


Car will be in my wife's name (Mira S), even though I will be doing all the driving :)
Not quite as interesting but the wife's mum bought her the V6 VEJ plate years ago (VEJ being the wifes initials) so we have bought RS03 VEJ to go on the RS3 and V6 VEJ will go on the Emira. Contemplating buying V8 VEJ in case I manage to win some money and then add a V8 of some form to the fleet.
since i have a deposit on the i4, i was thinking one of these. I already have r1lee, thinking of just expanding it.


Nice! I had a similar thought. I was considering LASTGAS both because it's Lotus' last gas car, and it's the last gas car I ever intend to buy.
Umm I would urge caution with that one!

An uninitiated observer may read it as last fart. 🤣
I like coming up with vanity plates more than I like owning them. Maybe...


So you're saying I shouldn't compliment this with PASTGAS on my EV daily?
To be compliant with health and safety regulations, PASSGAS would be highly recommended to avoid internal combustion.
@TomE - let me know your thoughts?


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